Finding Competitively Priced Caravan Insurance
Share: Caravans are incredibly popular throughout England
, Wales and Scotland, particularly during the summer months when families want to take advantage of the good weather.
After all, nothing beats setting up camp next to a loch in the Scottish Highlands, where one can enjoy breath taking scenery of the rolling hills and perhaps even one of the many medieval castles. Of course the clean, crisp air also makes for a welcome change, especially for those who live in one of the major cities.
While hitching your caravan and heading away for a few days may be a tremendous amount of fun, it does include certain risks. For example, many caravans get damaged on the roads each year for a number of reasons. Being involved in a collision is one of them and because caravans are manufactured primarily from lightweight materials, a collision usually results in extensive damage.
In most cases, the caravan will be uninhabitable and of course this means you can wave goodbye to the holiday you've been looking forward to all year, unless of course you have good caravan insurance.
Share: Recent statistics also tell us that tyre problems are responsible for a large percentage of caravan damage. Even though you may keep your caravan locked away securely when you're not using it, the tyres are often exposed to the elements for long periods of time and this excessive exposure causes the tyre rubber to degrade.
This in turn has resulted in many caravan tyres bursting. If your caravan is stationary, it'll more than likely only damage the wheel arch area, but just imagine what the consequences would be if it happens when you're actually on the road. Even if there appears to be plenty of life left in the tyres, responsible caravan owners should replace them every five years at least.
An increasing number of caravans get stolen in the UK every year and of course this makes caravan insurance even more important. Also, if your caravan gets stolen, all the contents go with it and for many people this can amount to thousands of pounds. In fact, many people have had the contents of their caravan stolen while the caravan itself was not.
This usually happens at a time when the caravan is left unattended at a caravan site when the family may have gone off to explore the area. When you take out cover for a caravan, you should always make sure the contents are covered as well, rather than automatically assuming they are. Many a camper has been bitterly disappoint in the past and you really don't want to discover this when it's too late.
When shopping for insurance, you may also have to consider having European cover included, but of course this is only necessary if you intend travelling outside the UK. Just as with most types of insurance, there are several things you can do in order to keep the cost of caravan insurance down. For example, you may want to enquire about 'limited mileage' insurance if you only use your caravan once or twice each year. Having security features fitted will also help to keep costs down, especially if your caravan is kept in a secure area when not being used.
The bottom line is; a caravan is an expensive commodity. In fact, owning a caravan is a luxury, so it only makes sense to insure it. With a little bit of research, you'll always manage to find affordable caravan insurance cover and in the long run you'll be glad you made the effort.
by: Tom Jones
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