Finding Affordable Caravan Insurance
Share: In years gone by, the average caravan owner only carried the bare essentials when they ventured out into the great outdoors
. Most people would simply make sure they had a few pots and pans, some cutlery and of course a cooler box. Nowadays however, the interior of some caravans are nothing short of being luxurious.
In fact, many people have their caravans fitted out with all the luxuries one would expect to find in their homes. This includes the likes of a flat screen TV, microwave ovens, cookers and of course most also insist on a fully stocked fridge. While there certainly isn't anything wrong with this, it does mean that you stand to lose more should your caravan ever end up being stolen.
Perhaps you have a relatively old caravan and in that case, why would anyone possibly want to steal it, considering that they don't even know whether or not there are any contents inside? Unfortunately however, caravan thieves don't steal caravans in order to get their hands on the contents. If your caravan is full of valuable items then that's really just a bonus for thieves.
Thieves steal caravans in orders to sell it on and if you're under the impression that this is something which rarely happens in the UK, then you are sadly mistaken. In fact, one of the leading insurance companies in the UK processes approximately 4,000 claims each year from people who have had their caravans stolen. As you can see, perhaps it's time for you to acknowledge the fact that caravan insurance is nowadays a must.
Share: There's no shortage of insurance providers in the UK and practically all of them are able to offer you adequate cover for your caravan. Providing you willing to do a little bit of research, you'll almost certainly manage to find affordable cover, but you also need to realise that there are several steps you can take in order to make sure you get the best possible rates.
For example, if you only use your caravan a few times each year then you may qualify for lower premiums, so of course this is something you definitely need to look into. Also, if you don't intend travelling across into Europe then you should opt out of having European cover included, bearing in mind that some insurance companies provide this type of cover automatically unless you choose not to have it.
The cost of caravan insurance can also be reduced significantly if you take certain measures in order to make your caravan more difficult to steal. Here again, you'll need to make sure you use a hitch lock whenever your caravan is left unattended. Some insurance companies will however only recognise the use of a hitch lock if it has a built in alarm. Chassis locks are also highly recommended by insurance companies and in fact many new caravans have them as a standard feature nowadays.
Storing your caravan at a secure site will also see premiums reduced, especially if it's being stored at one of the sites managed by the Caravan Storage Site Owners' Association. This is particularly true if you live in one of the so-called 'high risk' areas. Here again, these are all things you need to discuss before you make any final decisions.
by: Tom Jones
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