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Take Your Time And Shop Around When Looking For Caravan Insurance

Take Your Time And Shop Around When Looking For Caravan Insurance

Deciding to go with the first quote you receive can be a costly mistake when it comes

to any kind of insurance and caravans are no exception to the rule. In fact, if you rush into things blindly you'll more than likely end up paying hundreds of pounds more than what you actually need to.

Getting several quotes is one of the most important things to bear in mind when shopping for caravan insurance. This not only allows you to compare prices, but it also provides you with an opportunity to compare the actual policies so that you can have a better understanding as to what exactly is covered in a particular policy.

Even though all insurance companies have their own set of guidelines for determining the cost of insurance, most operate in much the same way. For example, all UK insurance companies take the risk of theft extremely seriously and it's hardly surprising really, considering so many caravans get stolen each year.

While many get stolen when they're not in use and while parked on the owner's property, others get stolen from various caravan camping sites around the country. Most families who go away in their caravan will at some point leave the caravan unattended and of course this provides thieves with an ideal opportunity.Take Your Time And Shop Around When Looking For Caravan Insurance

The more opportunistic thieves will usually just break in and then make off with some of the contents, but even so, such contents could cost a considerable amount of money to replace, not to mention the fact that having your caravan broken into while on holiday will inevitably dampen everyone's spirit.

So, how can you help to prevent your caravan from being stolen or broken into? First, you can secure it with wheel clamps when left unattended. You can also make use of a hitch lock which has a fitted alarm. The caravan itself should also have an alarm fitted in order to deter thieves. Having a GPS tracking device installed can also help to ensure a quick recovery in the event of theft. Not only will these measures help to minimise the chances of your caravan being stolen, but they will also go a long way in helping you to secure affordable caravan insurance.

Going for 'limited mileage' cover is also something you need to consider, particularly if you only use your caravan a few times during the summer months. Remember, the less time your caravan spends on the road, the less chance there is of it being involved in an accident and this is something the insurance companies are willing to acknowledge.

Many UK insurance companies will automatically include European cover when you apply for insurance, but of course if you don't intent taking your caravan out of the UK,then paying for European cover is pointless. Opting out will see a reduction in your premiums.

You can also have lower premiums if you agree to have a higher excess. This is the amount you'll be expected pay up-front if you ever submit a claim. Be careful not to set the excess too high, or else you could find yourself in a position where you're financially unable to pay the excess if you need to claim.

Lastly, instead of keeping your caravan in your driveway during the off season, you may want to consider storing it at one of the storage sites managed by the Caravan Storage Site Owners' Association. For the most part, these sites are generally recognised by the various insurance companies as being secure storage sites and as a result, people who store their caravans are usually given an additional caravan insurance discounts.

by: Tom Jones
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Take Your Time And Shop Around When Looking For Caravan Insurance Kista