Christmas and Gift Buying

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Christmas and Gift Buying
Buying the perfect gift for every person in our family seems like an essential part of the Christmas holidays. Gift buying gets us stressed out as we try to beat the rush to get all our presents done and out of the way. We especially don't want to let down the children and want to give them lots of presents to excitingly open from under the tree.
For me, presents at Christmas has always felt like a strain and drain on my resources financially and emotionally. I have always loved the holidays for the company of family, not because of presents. Material items mean very little to me and the idea of someone stressing over what to get me or trying to getting all their shopping done quickly makes me quite upset.
So for the past few years I have opted out of the Christmas present buying rush and instead just embraced Christmas as a time with family instead. The first year I did this I felt very guilty. But why should I feel guilty? Why should I feel bad for not giving material items to my family and friends? I am so much more than what I can buy. I also am very giving in other ways and feel now that I can give in other ways that don't require me spending money. It gets easier every year.
Besides this I also have noticed that many people will just buy a present for the sake of buying a present - not much thought will go into it and whether the person will actually like it. I have received countless amounts of soap, perfume and deodorant that I never use and have had to giveaway. I would have found it more generous and loving if the person who bought these items just didn't buy me anything.
Luckily though to day we have Amazon wish lists and the like so that we can provide our loved ones with gifts but if one is going to do that it shouldn't feel compulsory. Giving and gift buying should be from the heart and because you want to, not because a holiday dictates it as the done thing.
So this Christmas, whether you buy presents or not, just remember that it is a great holiday that you get to spend with family and that what you get doesn't mean much really. It is the time spent with family and friends that truly counts.
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