Getting Off in the Wrong Destination

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Getting Off in the Wrong Destination
For many years early in my life I was what you would have considered an angry young man. As a child,like so many others, I wastorn in a bitter divorce.I had a father who was very abusive and really wanted nothing more to do withme or my sisterother then to use us to get back at our mother.After the divorcehe would come around,which was not often,to pick us up to visit.He would buy us the coolest gifts and toys only to rip them away from us before he left. He always told us "You can keep your toysONLY if youdecide to come live with me. " This will probably be the last time you ever see me" he would tell us every time. "If you don't want to live with me then I don't want to see you." My sister got over it and eventually cut all ties with him,as for myself I was a boy who wanted more then the acceptance and love from his father. I never found it.
The whole time I was hoping and praying for his affections I had a step father who stood by all of us.I fought against himdaily. To this day I hug him,call him father and love him for never giving up on me. My poor mother,who is a saint,held everything together working 2 jobs(sometimes a 3rd on her scheduled days off) Just to make sure we got by. We always did. Even when we had lost our car she used my 3 speed bike to ride to work. She never missed a day. We never did without.All of this led me to make lots of bad choices in my teenage years. Looking back I can relate everything I ever did to basicallylooking for the acceptanceI never felt I hadat home. I was looking for the stability I did not have in my father and felt I was missing from my mother. Shewas forced to provide so she was gone a lot. I learned the hard way that drugs,alcohol and everything connected with them had only one requirement to be accepted into there circle of life,that was to do drugs and drink oh yeah you had to supply them every now and again. The group of people I fell in with all had similar backgrounds to mine. Divorce,abuse,neglect,abandonment.

Share: So many of us in life have had bad situations that have led us to Getting off at the wrong destination. Let me tell you a quick story that was told to me right before writing this that may help explain what I mean a little better.There was a plane flying from New York to Melbourne,Florida. The plane had a Layover inTampa. On this plane were 2 elderly ladiesfrom Italy. It was there first trip to the United states. They spoke no english. They were on there way to Melbourne as well to visit family and did not know that the plane hadto stop in Tampa first. When the plane landed in Tampa the 2 elderly ladies saw the palm trees swaying in the Florida sun. They thought theyhad reached there destination. They then followed the crowd off the plane in Tampa not realizing they were still 120 miles short of there destination.The flight attendants finally found them wandering around the airport looking for there loved ones. They tried to convince them to get back on the plane but the ladies did not speak english so they refused.Finally they found a baggage handler who spoke Italian. He explained to the women they were not where they were supposed to be. Only then did they hurry back on the plane,eager to go to there final destination. What things cause you to get off at the wrong destination? There could be a list of reasons. As for myself for years I did not understand what was going on,I was lost. What I did was find an interpreter. Someone came to me one day and explained Gods direction to me. I EAGERLY got on the next plane and have never looked backed.
It is unfortunate that there are people out there who delight in misleading others. As a marketer I see this every single day,I am sure most of you have to. Just always remember helping,giving,loving,and encouraging others are all apart of the right plane to REAL SUCCESS. I know for YEARS through certain situations in my own life I had been blinded by the site of Palm trees swaying in the wind. For the longest timeI felt like Iwasliving in the mountains far away from every one and everything. Just the sight of what seemed like success looked so good that I would stop at the first watering hole instead of going on to find Gods best for me. Sound Familiar? For a long time in my life I thought I found this in my friends,Then I thought I found it doing and selling drugs,then I thought I found it in sex. Just the other day I thought I had found it in This AWESOME 3x6 matrix that is currently in PRE-LAUNCH. I got in for a dollar,but will be charged $30 every month after,but I had to join today to grab the spillover(Had to throw that in there). All of us in our eagerness to find the right destination or success have listened to someone who offered an easy way. We followed the crowd getting off in Tampa. More people were getting off in Tampa then in Melbourne so they must be right. Iused to do this out of fear that I was going to miss what I was looking for.A lot of that was instilled in me when I was a child,but I am a man who's learning Maybe it's raining in Tampa, I'm going to Melbourne. I have learned to trust God and no one else. He has instilled in me a GPS that has led me from were I was to were I am at and on to were I am going. I did not want to spend the rest of my life looking like an idiot riding escalators in aTampa airport looking out the windows watching palm trees. No I want to actually go climb those palm trees,as hard as it may be,pick me a coconut then look back at the crowd staring out the window at me.
I have 3 children of my own now and there is not one day that does not go by that I DO NOT tell them I am proud of you,I love you,Your beautiful, Your Brilliant, You can do anything. Hugs and kisses fill just about every second of our days. I was with my youngest daughter carrying her through a store when a lady actually asked me " Don't you think you kiss her to much" I never really thought about but I am constantly loving,pinching hugging and kissing on my little 3 year old daughter. I can't help it shes adorable! I looked at the lady and said " No not really,but maybe you need a hug or a kiss. Would you like one? All of this is not just my way of showing my affections but also my way of guiding them to the right destinations in life. I want them to be so full of confidence,love and strength that there is never a doubt in there mind what the right path is. I want them to know that nothing is impossible and to always be full of Love Because That is the TRUE key to everyone's success I GUARANTEE that 100%. You will see 100's of promises today while surfing,promoting or working but I promise My Guarantee will out last every single. Before I finish I want to introduce you to some people who may have been in the same situation as our 2 elderly ladies at one time in there lives but everyone of them finally listened to the flight attendant and got back on the plane. Look them up and read about them,there lives and how they finally made it to there final destination:
* Reggie White - Professional Football player Green Bay Packers
*Heather Whitestone McCallum- Miss America 1995
*Christopher Parkening- Classical Guitarist
*Mary Joe Fernandez- Professional Tennis Player
*Bernard Langer-Professional Golfer
*Andy Pettitte- Pitcher for the New York Yankee's
*Jakie Joyner-Kersee- Track star,record holder and Gold medalist
*Kenneth H. Cooper M.D.- Father of Aerobics
*Don Nickles- United States Senator
*Arthur S. Demoss- Deceased Founder and CEO National Liberty Corporation
Those are 10 people who made real success. I shared them with you because they all have one thing in common. At one time they had gotten of at the wrong stop but through God and a relationship with jesus Christ they found there destination. You may be asking "How does this apply to me? Actually how does this apply to marketing? Well This actuallyapplies to everything you do in life. Everything starts with us,the choices we make,the directions we take, and the people we associate with and the manner in which we treat them. This will not only change your life but you will reach your destination and reach your goal of success in any thng you choose to do. That is what God wants. Myself I reflect on my past. Ilook at were I am at now,It's nothing short of a miracle. I didn't just get off at the wrong stop I was on the wrong flight all together. I must have had a parachute because the flight I was on was on it's way down in flames. Through all my marketing efforts,through all my trials and errors ,Through everything I have been through in my life I have only succeeded because I finally succeeded to stop and listen to the real truth. That's when I finally found my real success and the Real power for living.
Hope you have an AWESOME! day God Bless
sincerely ,

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