You're a skilled carpenter and you've learnt a thing or two about running your own business
. So you know something about carpenters insurance. At least you know you need it.
But you're not quite sure what exactly you need. You don't want to spend hours researching the subject. And you certainly don't want to spend just as long filling in endless forms.
The good news is you don't have to.
Find a good broker, one who understands the kind of insurances tradesmen need, and you should be able to arrange a comprehensive carpenters insurance package in a matter of minutes. Share:
What will it include?
First, if you employ any staff at all (and that includes casual labour) it will have to include employers' liability insurance. It's a legal requirement and there are heavy fines - imposed daily - if you fail to comply. Then there should be an option to include cover for your tools and equipment. You've probably invested a lot of money in them. And you know how easily how they can get damaged or go missing. So it makes sense to them have covered. That way you'll be able to replace them if you need to without any costly delays to the jobs you're working on.
Your carpenters insurance should also most definitely include public liability cover. No matter how careful you are, things can go wrong and accidents can happen. If you're working at customers' properties, there's always the risk that you'll cause damage to something valuable. If you have a workshop and customers visit, there's always the risk that they'll injure themselves.
In such situations, you might very well find a claim being made against you. A claim which could leave you facing a substantial compensation payment and a very large lawyer's bill. Without public liability insurance cover, that could put everything you've worked for at risk.
So now's the time to nail it. Just follow the link to find the insurance for carpentersthat matches your needs exactly.