Autobiography of Nature
Share: Introduction:
We offer each and every beautiful, pleasurable and tasteful thing to you. Nevertheless, you are ruining yourself in the name of short term enjoyments or benefits by deeply upsetting us. I, simply, explain you the consequences of your actions in the following points.
Share: Human beings, pay attention carefully! Cutting down of trees will make to wander in a dangerous zone. Trees offer everything. However, you are dragging yourselves down by destroying them due to paucity of spaces on account of over population and in the efforts of leading the life, comfortably. Trees provide with rain, shelter which are significant one for your survival. No life can exist in the earth without water. Trees conserve valuable soils through their roots, which is utilized for irrigation purposes, etc, during floods. Besides, they offer you fruits, medicines, shadow, etc. Hence, engage yourselves in the activities of a forestation which include sowing of seeds, saplings of plants, planting trees, construction of rain water tanks for saving and employing the water at the appropriate time.
Your proceedings not just perturb forest. They also hit me in many ways. Your cars, bikes, vans, etc., emanate smokes, which is directly detrimental to your wellbeing, when you inhales it and simultaneously it have an effect on my ozone layer. Your usage of AC machines, freezers and plastics and plastics materials are affecting ozone layer, to a great extent. Ozone layer only defends you from Ultra Violet rays, radiating from me, by covering the earth. I am not arguing against scientific developments by stating this. I only want to explain you the fact. Scientific advancements are needed which do not harm me. For instance, scientists ought to make improvements in AC machines, freezers, generators etc, in such a way that it should not hurt me (I heard that these people are already in this track) and proper emission control checks should be placed in every countries of the world for saving the ozone layer.
You are disturbing me greatly by digging or mining the ground for crude oil, water, gold, coal, etc, intensively. This will cause great disturbances like earthquakes, tsunami, floods, etc and make you to suffer a lot. Your need for crude oil, water, coal, etc, should be in a reasonable level. Desirous attitude will deteriorate you much.
Preventing and curing diseases:
Keep me delightfully. It will aid you to carry on your health and mind in a well-balanced manner. I prevent many illnesses from afflicting you. I also heal many diseases and safeguard your life. Hence, most physicians are advising you to move out to hills or places which are encircled by me for the remedial of certain disorders or diseases. Hence, look after me for your healthier endurance.
I am serving you to the highest degree. If you disturb me, I am forced to damage your health and wealth drastically. Therefore, I request you to always preserve me in a good mood and derive benefits out of me.
Autobiography of Nature
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