Driving To A Mexican Vacation Plan on Insurance
Share: Mexico is one of the few foreign countries that U.S
. citizens can drive to for vacation. This can present an interesting, and often overlooked dilemma insurance. In the United States, liability insurance is mandatory to drive. In Mexico, insurance is not mandatory, however, it is mandatory that you demonstrate the ability to pay for damages caused in an accident. You can demonstrate ability to pay with either cash or insurance. However, insurance from a U.S. company is not considered valid. Only
Mexican insurance is deemed a demonstration of ability to pay damages.
U.S. travelers who plan to spend their vacation time in Mexico and wish to drive while there can conveniently obtain Mexican auto insurance for the days they plan to stay in Mexico. Even if your U.S. insurance provider extends your coverage to include liability for damages while in Mexico, Mexican officials will not recognize it. They only recognize Mexico auto insurance companies and coverage. Additionally, it is wisest to purchase Mexican insurance prior to the start of your trip to ensure you enter Mexico with a valid insurance policy in place. It would be a shame to have an accident just as you enter Mexico and have no proof of financial responsibility.
There are two primary reasons to secure a Mexican auto insurance policy prior to entering Mexico. First, waiting until you enter Mexico to purchase insurance means that from the time you cross the border to the time you purchase your policy, you are driving uninsured. Second, by purchasing your policy from within the United States, you retain protection from by that state's Department of Insurance. Since the policy was purchased in that state, any disputes with the insurance will fall under regulation of a state insurance agency, offering you recourse in the event of a problem.
You can conveniently purchase
Mexican insurance online to ensure you have coverage for your entire trip. Keep in mind, accidents and claims that take place during your trip in Mexico require you to report it to the insurance company prior to returning to the U.S.
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By: Gary Nichols
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