Arkansas Auto Insurance - Important Information

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Anyone who intends to drive in Arkansas must have some information at their disposal or else, they could have some problems. Like most states, Arkansas state has placed a minimum liability coverage required of every driver before they can drive legally within the state. We would start by looking at some details of this minimum requirement.
First, every driver in Arkansas is required to have a minimum liability coverage for bodily injury of $25,000 for each victim and $50,000 per accident. In addition to this, there is also a minimum liability coverage for property damage of $25,000. Let us explain this a bit more.
Liability against bodily injury refers to coverage against the cost that would come from treatment expenses for the injured, funeral expenses, loss of wages etc. for accidents in which you are at fault. Note that this does not include your own coverage.

Share: Liability against property damage is for cost arising from other peoples' property that was damaged as a result of accidents caused by you. Once again, this does not include your property.
Why am I not covered?
The state of Arkansas like many other states want to protect other road users from careless drivers. If you want to get coverage for yourself, you would have to get more coverage. Ask your insurance agent for more information on this.
Every driver in Arkansas should know the reason for which the state permits their insurance company to cancel their policy. These reasons include:
1. Non payment of premiums
2. Fraud or Misrepresentation
3. If you are convicted up to three times of speeding and reckless driving.
4. A case of drunk driving conviction and
5. Killing someone with your car.
You should know these possible reason allowed by Arkansas state. Yes, the insurance company should give you up to 10 days notice if the cancellation is due to unpaid premiums and 20 days for other reasons.
I need for you to know that it is very possible for you to get affordable auto insurance if you know how. To get affordable auto insurance in Arkansas, you can start by getting quick auto insurance quotes. Comparing auto insurance quotes gives you an opportunity to choose from a number of insurance companies the one that offers you the best rates.
Another way to get cheaper rates on your car insurance policy is by taking advantage of discounts. Talk to your agent about this and be sure to take advantage of them and you would make some good savings.
Drivers in Arkansas can get more information from the Arkansas Insurance Department by calling 501 371-2600.
Take action now and make the most of your insurance coverage.
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