Illinois Auto Insurance - Rules Of The State

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Illinois Auto Insurance issues should be taken seriously by any driver who wishes to drive without having run-ins with the law. It is always safer to be on the side of the law than on the other side. Knowing what the state requires for you to drive legally is therefore something very Illinois driver should endeavor to do.
Here are the minimum requirements that you would need to meet before you can drive legally in the state of Illinois.
1. Liability Coverage. Every driver is expected to first have a liability cover of at least $20,000 for bodily injury per person and $40,000 for bodily injury per accident. Liability for property damage should be at least $15,000 per accident.

Share: 2. Uninsured Driver Coverage. The state demands also that every driver has this coverage to cover against uninsured drivers or drivers who run form the scene of the accident (hit-and-run). The minimum required by law per person is $20,000 while minimum per accident is $40,000.
3. Under-insured Driver Coverage. When you are involved in an accident in which the other driver is at fault. If the faulty driver's liability cover can not cover the cost incurred in the accident, the cover pays the insured the difference.
Many drivers try to meet the state minimum requirements. That is nice but not enough. Getting more coverage would certainly benefit you more. Some people have lost their homes, savings, future wages etc just because they could not come up with the money to pay for liabilities their coverage could not handle. Apart from that, when you get involved in an accident and you are at fault, your liability coverages takes care of the other driver and property of the victims. What happens to the repair of your car or the treatment of whatever bodily injuries you may have sustained? You see why you need more cover? You sure do.
Many people give the excuse that car insurance is expensive. If I told you how to get a more affordable auto insurance cover would you go ahead to get more cover for yourself? Here are a few ways to get affordable auto insurance.
Start by getting and comparing quick auto insurance quotes. The more quotes you can get and compare, the higher your chances of getting cheaper rates. You can further reduce your rates if you take advantage of discounts. There are a number of discounts you can take advantage of. The more you get, the lower your rates gets. Talk to your insurance agent about this.
Lastly, you can consider raising your deductible higher. Higher deductibles mean lower rates.
Having some confusion or questions you want to ask about Illinois auto insurance? Just go ahead and call the Illinois Division of Insurance's Consumer Assistance Hot-line toll free at 866-445-5364 and get the answers you are looking for.
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