Florida Auto Insurance - State Required Cover

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Florida auto insurance minimum cover required by law is one of the low ones especially if you compare them with those of states like Alabama, Alaska etc. If you intend to drive legally in Florida, you should know what these state required minimum coverages are.
First, the state requires a minimum of $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection. Unlike the minimum requirements in other states, this cover covers you in an accident without regard to who was at fault. Medical expenses, lost wages and some other related expenses are taken care of by this cover. There is also a $5000 death benefit should the need arise.
Next is the $10,000 minimum required in Property Damage Liability Cover. This cover however, takes care of damages done to other people's properties as a result of an accident caused by you. Some of the items regarded as property include telephone poles, fences amongst other things.

Share: A person could easily get these covers and feel they have done all they should. This is far from wrong because in many cases this minimum cover is not sufficient to handle the liability that arises from an accident. Even if it does, remember that any damage to your own property would not be covered. You need more cover both for yourself and to save you the possibility of losing your savings, future wages, home etc to huge liabilities you were not insured against.
Talk to your insurance agent about getting more cover. There are options like Collision, Comprehensive and more.
If you are worried about the high cost of auto insurance, then you can try to get a more affordable auto insurance cover by getting and comparing quick auto insurance quotes. Auto insurance quotes help you find the best rates available. In addition to this, you can also get discounts from you insurer which would further reduce your rates. These discounts are available when you take some actions or when you have achieved somethings. For example, get a good credit score and your rate would be affected. Improve your driving by taking a course in defensive driving and also earn a discount. There a lot more discounts available for you to reduce your rates with. To know more about discounts, talk with your insurance agent.
Every driver in Florida has access to a wealth of information if they just call the Florida Department of Financial Services at 800-342-2762. Take your auto insurance seriously.
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