A Look At Some Different Ways In Helping Those With Asbestos-related Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive disease that's normally caused by exposure to asbestos
, although it has also been linked to things like radiation exposure, and even genetics. The truth is, anyone who gets this disease is in for a fight, no matter which lining of what organ it's invaded.
By the time it's diagnosed, the cancer has usually already spread to other areas, thereby weakening the body sooner than other types of cancer would normally do. Therefore, a person isn't always up to the sort of treatments usually implemented in fighting the disease. And then, there are those people who refuse to treat an illness any other way than naturally. In these cases, many different holistic treatments are available to relieve symptoms and treat the side effects of the cancer - and in some cases, have even been reported as having cured someone who was terminally ill. For your convenience, here are just a few that have helped patients, in the past:
Reiki - This is a form of massage in which the energy fields of the body are unblocked - the theory being that disease is brought on by energy that isn't allowed to flow freely. The "Reiki" master runs his hands - which are held about an inch above the skin - all over the body, and pays extra attention and time on the diseased areas. The people who have benefited from Reiki sessions, have reported that their symptoms were decreased and they were more relaxed. In addition, their breathing got easier, and some say they were able to sleep again.
Vitamin C - Scientists have long known about the therapeutic benefits that a regular ascorbic acid regimen provides the overall health of a person. Additionally, there have been reports over the years of its success in prohibiting the growth of tumors, and, in many cases, even causing their destruction. But, if you are taking cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, it's a good idea to get your doctors OK, before slamming down the vitamin C powder, as it's been known to interfere with the success of other treatments, if used at the same time it's given.
Essiac tea - The ingredients in this home brewed tea are burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel, and Turkish rhubarb. It comes already blended, or you can buy the herbs individually and mix it yourself. The instructions to make it are easily found online, and you can purchase it locally, or at one of the many health supplement websites.
Once you brew it, you drink three ounces of it, three times per day, and make sure you do this before eating. Some people who were not expected to survive their cancer, are alive today, and claim that they owe their lives to the tea, and following a very rigid diet.
If you have mesothelioma, don't give up - and if you're set against traditional methods of treatment, please research the internet and check out all the wonderful, natural treatments available to you. But because all cancer, and especially this type, is nothing to treat lightly, make sure you get your doctors OK before doing anything on your own.
by: Yazid Yahaya
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A Look At Some Different Ways In Helping Those With Asbestos-related Mesothelioma Campo Grande