Sciatica Natural Treatment - Treat Sciatica Now
Sciatica Natural Treatment - Treat Sciatica Now
Sciatica is characterised by pain in the lower back and gluteal region. This pain can radiate down one or both legs into the thigh, calf, ankle and foot. Genuine sciatica occurs when pain travels below the knee. Sciatic pain results when the base of the spine is compressed or when injury or pressure have compressed the spinal roots of the sciatic nerve. Sciatic pain or sciatica can be described as sharp, dull, burning, tingly, numb, continuous or intermittent and usually only affects one side of the body. It can radiate the entire length of the nerve, in some cases all the way down to the toes. What, then, is sciatica natural treatment?
Click Here For Treat Sciatica Now Instant Access Now!Typical treatment for sciatica pain includes non-surgical treatments and surgery. Non-surgical treatments may include one or a combination of medical and alternative treatments, and almost always includes some form of back exercises and stretching. Non-surgical sciatica treatment must be directed towards both the relief of sciatica pain and the prevention of future sciatica symptoms.
But if we're talking about natural treatment for sciatica, number one on the list is bed rest. This allows the inflammation of the nerve to subside. Another is regular exercise. Research has shown that people who continue to work during an episode of sciatica recover quicker than those who stay at home. Regular exercise will help to strengthen the muscles that support your back. Exercise also promotes the production of endorphins, which are natural pain killing chemicals.
There is also inversion therapy, whereby the all-natural force of gravity is used to apply slight traction to the spinal column. This method is effective for sciatic pain due to herniated discs because it also restores the space between the discs of the spinal column and reduces the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
These are examples of sciatica natural treatment.
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