A Glimpse At Some Other Procedures For Asbestos-related Mesothelioma
Sure, mesothelioma can be caused by exposure to radiation
, and even genetics - however, the majority of cases are related to exposure to asbestos. No matter what the cause, it's a fact that once you have it, you're in for a fight - no matter what mesothelial tissue of the body it's attacked.
In many cases, the cancer isn't discovered until the person is severely weakened by the spreading destruction, so treatments like chemotherapy aren't always a wise idea for them. Then, there are those who want to go the holistic route in regards to treatment of any kind - no matter what they're facing. So enter the holistic way of treating an illness. With this in mind, here is a brief summary of just some of what's available:
Reiki therapy - The sick person is laid out on a table, where the "Reiki Master" places his hands just above the skin, but not touching it, and works from head to toe. This is in an effort to unblock the person's energy channels, and supply some of the Reiker worker's own energy to heal the illness. The Master pays special attention and detail to the diseased regions in his session with the patient. There are those former patients who highly recommend Reiki, stating that they were able to sleep and eat better, in addition to noticing a big improvement in their overall disease symptoms.
Take your vitamin C - Scientists have reported that tumor growth has been stopped, and in some cases, the cells killed off, by the administration of certain doses of ascorbic acid - or vitamin C. However, don't try this at home without your doctor's consent, as it is also known to render certain cancer treatments ineffective, if the vitamin C is given at the same time.
Essiac tea - Four different plants go into making this blend of tea - namely burdock root, Turkish rhubarb, slippery elm bark and sheep sorrel. You can purchase the powdered plants separately, or already mixed up, and ready to boil, at local health food stores, or online.
For cancer, you drink 3 ounces of it, three times a day - and without food. There are some cases where a person battling this illness wasn't expected to survive, but did - and reported that the tea, along with eating a healthy diet, saved him.
If you have mesothelioma, and wish to go the holistic route, there are many treatments to be found online. But please get your doctor's approval first, as all diseases, especially an aggressive one like this, is nothing to brush off as trivial.
by: Yazid Yahaya
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