You have just realized that you need to start living within a budget. You sit down and begin to prepare to setup a budget but have not quite figured out how to completely track your spending. Since getting an accurate budget is critical to solving your debt issues and possibly your credit problems, learning how to track your spending is the first logical step in the process.If you know exactly where every dime is going, and then working on your...more
Are you in financial trouble? Are you facing a job loss, reduced work hours, retirement, illness, or a divorce? Before things get out of hand, you must takes steps now to prevent a foreclosure on your home. The sooner you act, the better your chances of saving your home. Here are some tips to help you safeguard your home and avoid foreclosure.Contact your lenderMany homeowners make the mistakes of keeping their financial troubles to themselves by...more
There have recently been significant changes made to business finance funding options throughout the United States and elsewhere. These are serious and real changes that cannot be ignored by business owners as they develop their working capital plans for future financing and refinancing. We expect even the temporary small business loan and commercial mortgage loan measures to be in place for a lengthy period of time due to the severity of current economic conditions, and some of these measures are likely to end up being permanent.The net result from business finance changes has been a reduction in commercial lenders as well as stricter standards for acquiring commercial loans and commercial mortgages. Unfortunately there has also been no shortage of misinformation about the availability of commercial funding.A significant reduction in business lending activity overall is perhaps the most dramatic change. This has been due to several events occurring almost simultaneously. Several major commercial lenders have gone out of business altogether. Even though they have continued consumer lending, many banks have stopped commercial finance lending. Numerous business lenders have enacted...more
Online shopping has come a very long way from the earliest days of ecommerce. There was a time (and there may yet be a few die hards who operate this way) when an online buyer would need to physically mail a check to the individual selling the item in order to buy from this e-merchant. The check would need to clear the bank before the item could be...more
The title above may have you thinking this article is all about impulse buying. While I can understand the confusion I am actually focusing on a different kind of 'feel good'.Some may call it corporate giving or corporate responsibility. However, there are plenty of businesses that feel the term corporate seems a term too large for their small...more
There a several proven ways to indulge in buying estate investment real estate and put yourself on the road to real estate wealth. Investors often "flip" properties by buying a property, renovating it soon after and then selling it for a profit. This method is proved to work for investors who study the market carefully and make good assumptions about the profit they might make by buying estate investment real estate at a certain point of time. Although it is a good idea to invest now, buying estate investment real estate is not as liquid as investing money in the stock market. So unless you have the right kind of expertise, it is advisable to opt for a different kind of investment. Do:- Research alone may not help at all times. While buying estate investment real estate, it is important to consult a local real estate professional. This will provide you help in finding and evaluating an investment property before you can buy it.- The location that the property is situated in always impacts the value of any piece of real estate. Research about current position of the property is a must.- Whether the property chosen is affordable for you or not must be looked into rationally before...more
4/16/09: Redding, CA. Gas station financing during the last year has had its frustrating moments that have been caused in part, by the failures of the banking industry. It seems that greed has shown that it does have the last say to those who want to...more
Everybody's moaning and wailing about the crisis, and it's true, and somebody should pay for itÂ… Not those people who are paying and are going to pay of course. But let's leave the politics and talk about online opportunitiesÂ…History teaches that...more
Having trouble paying your bills? Getting phone calls and threatening notices from creditors? Are your accounts being turned over to debt collectors? Are you worried about losing your home or your car?You're not alone. Many people face a financial...more
Tackling CSR - Corporate Social ResponsibilityOne of the most challenging things a company can face is how to decide what form their CSR strategy might take.Do we take a holistic approach and look at all of the potential pillars in terms of our...more
Have you noticed that your credit card interest rate has increased this month? Could it be because of your low credit score? What can you do to start fixing your credit? Here are guaranteed ways to improve credit score:Read your credit card mails...more
Imagine this situation. You are competing against two other firms for the same piece of business. One firm is the 900-pound guerilla in your market and the other is a competitor of about the same size. You have the best technology, the big company...more