In my many life experiences, my first "massage" was not all it could have been. Having had more massages than my first one, I realize, it actually is great. I was the subject of a lady who was learning. I worked at a health club and she needed volunteers. I, as the low person on the totem pole, was elected to be that. I had no idea what a therapeutic massage involved. Well, this was no therapeutic massage. I had to put up with the noise of two...more
These days we all work hard and play hard. Families are on the move between school, after-school activities, work, housework. I get it, we don't take time sit and relax. We can't always make it to the local spa for a massage. You may be one of the lucky ones whose company provides the relief of a chair massage!Some companies actually will provide on-the job chair massages. A masseuse will show up, equipment in hand, at the job site. These...more
Be your own doctor. What I mean when I say this is that you need to take care of your own body. Much like everything else in life, if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. I'm not talking about treating your own ailments by guessing which over-the-counter drugs to buy at the pharmacy. I am saying that if anyone knows your body, it's you. Take preventative care of your body so you do not need to place yourself in the hands of a doctor, at least not on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, I do hold a high respect for medical professionals and many doctors have saved the lives of people who would never have survived otherwise. The main goal is to stay healthy and stay away from prescriptions by using all of your natural resources like food, exercise and supplements before you opt to take a prescription. Sometimes the simplest measures are the best way to go.There was a time when I would have migraine headaches at least twice per month. I could tell when they were coming on because my neck muscles would become very tight and the back of my head would start to ache. I tried to stick out the pain many times by just laying down in a dark room completely...more
Over 20 states are taking part in a class-action lawsuit that contends that portions of the Obama administration's healthcare reform law are unconstitutional. While that motion winds its way through the legal system (and is likely to end up in the Supreme Court), Illinois is one state that will not take part.According to the head of...more
Sunlight, sweating and sunscreen primarily enhances the number of the dead skin cells that will develop on your face and body. Exfoliation takes away dead skin cells, so that your moisturiser can reach deep within. When done correctly it leaves skin healthy, softer and fresh looking.Sunshine and ageingSun's rays quicken aging, by...more
The Local Doctors community performs many useful services for people in all walks of life in all parts of the world. Everybody needs medical advice from the point that they are conceived in their mother's womb to the final moment when they die. Having a good trusted family doctor is essential today for almost anybody who seeks to stay in good health. Not every ailment is serious, but it is important to get every odd symptom checked lest it point to something serious. Then, of course, there are regular health checkups that local doctors provide, including checking blood, stool, and other vital statistics of the body to ensure that it is in good health. It is also important for every educated individual to find time to identify and diagnose their family illnesses and other common diseases, such as cough and cold. Mothers and other caregivers should know basic first aid and essentials of bringing up small children.On a different note, it is extremely important for everybody to consider health insurance as they approach middle age. Even routine medical treatments, such as tooth cleaning, performed by local doctors can be expensive. In the unfortunate case that a person suffers more...more
Commercial health insurance provides two main benefits. These are medical expense benefits that often cover a wide variety of medical procedures, tests, and hospitalization and disability income for those that are disabled. There are huge variations...more
Christian health insurance plans are absolutely ideal for Christians who are unemployed and to those who are unable to get health insurance through a more traditional company. In many cases, these not-for-profit health insurance programs are far more...more
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral developmental disorders in children. It is for a fact one of the most usually studied and diagnosed neurobehavioral disorders in children. It can manifest as...more
Tired, stressed, feel you need a break? There are many types of pain relief, but none as luxurious as a massage at a spa. We have all seen those day spas, massage shops etc. Many of us have frequent massages, yet so many of us haven't even considered...more
What a great experience being pregnant can be. There can also be potential concerns, the troubles of weight gain, muscle pain and joint pain, as well as the aches in our bones. This is such a joyous occasion, as well as one of a challenge. We feel...more
Have you ever thought about having a massage? Maybe you have and you know the benefits. As a woman, I know that a massage can be great for pain/stress relief. Even injuries can be relieved by a massage. Not only the everyday worries can melt away,...more