by the author of "Cancer's Natural Enemy" ( contrast to at least 6000 years of the practice of natural medicine, Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease - fixing or repairing the parts where the...more
Not many families escape the horror of seeing a loved one with cancer go through the agony of chemotherapy -- a barbaric "treatment" that more times than not eventually helps to kill the patient.I am aware there are many "cures" after chemotherapy. Those folks are lucky. However, as a pharmacist I see so many people who have gone through chemo, surgery or radiation, appear to get better for a while, then relapse, get more chemo, surgery or...more
Unlike normal blog postings dealing with Choices, Ethics, and Consequences - my topics as a professional motivational speaker - it seemed appropriate today to speak of my complete recovery from prostate cancer hoping that it might help others who are faced with decisions on prostate cancer treatment.Discovering I had prostate cancer at the age of 47 was almost an accident and certainly not something that in any way I expected. I had no symptoms - none whatsoever. In layman's terms, everything seemed to work fine. So the discovery of prostate cancer was quite accidental. It seems I had gone to my doctor simply requesting a pill (propecia - a drug to reduce hair loss). She required I have a blood test, as this drug would have an effect on my PSA. Frankly, all that was greek to I didn't know what PSA was and had never had it checked. I hated needles - had always said I was allergic to them - hence I avoided being stuck as much as I could. But on this day in November 2004 I decided to take the plunge - have my blood checked - and get the prescription.Two days later I got a call while out of town saying that all the lab work was fine except that my PSA was a bit elevated - it...more
We all see the Susan G. Kolman pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness. I would like to address breast cancer from the metaphysical perspective. Breasts are directly linked to nurturing -as is the color pink. Breasts also represent mothering, whether of our children, our family, our spouse or the world in general. Issues with the breasts, whether...more
There have already been numerous studies that prove that green tea helps protect drinkers against cancer. Statistics show that cancer rates are lower in countries where people regularly drink green tea. Research has shown that polyphenols are one source of the health benefit of green tea. Researchers believe that these substances found in green tea...more
This article is the third installment of a series on Natural Health Therapies and Cancer. The material presented is meant to inform you of complementary cancer therapies that are available in the medical community. These therapies are to be used in cooperation with other cancer treatment methods. They are not meant to be done in place of your physician's care. In the previous articles, we have covered the basics of cancer, the causes, the various types and stages, and how nutrition can trigger and promote cancer growth. This article will focus on Anti-Cancer Herbal Supplements as a form of cancer therapy.Herbal therapy is also known as Phytotherapy or Phytomedicine. As you may recall from previous articles, the word 'phyto' means 'plant.' This form of cancer therapy focuses on herbal or botanical supplements have been used for centuries in dealing with a wide range of diseases. Many of these plants have been studied by pharmaceutical companies to isolate active ingredients for use in drugs. A few key examples are foxglove (used for digitalis), rauwolfia (used in reserpine), and opium poppy (used in morphine).The anti-cancer herbal supplements that we will discuss in this...more
If you have been recently diagnosed with Colon Cancer, or otherwise known as âcolorectal cancerâ you are probably looking into and researching possible treatments. If your condition is advanced you will more than likely require Colon Cancer...more
Years ago, when I first began research into the amazing oleander plant, I ended up as a member of two Yahoo Health Groups about oleander. One was named "Anvirzel" (after the patented Oleander medicine which had passed FDA phase 1 trials a few years...more
In the earlier article "An Amazing Discovery in Turkey", I described how Doctor H. Z. Ozel discovered an age old remedy for cancer and other conditions in rural Turkey in the early 1960's and, after successfully treating thousands of patients over...more
In contrast to at least 6000 years of the practice of natural medicine, Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western...more
My search for a possible cancer cure began in late 2004 when I found out that my cousin and lifelong friend had been diagnosed as having stage-three melanoma. The cancer had appeared out of nowhere and so it was quite a shock to my cousin and...more
Vitamin D is the nutrient long known for it's critical role in the body's processing of calcium and subsequent maintenance of the bones and teeth. However, studies are revealing more and more evidence supporting the role of vitamin D in protecting...more