Reason 1If you have an addiction to lustThere are many types oflust but today i am talking about sexual lust.Have you ever seen a man or woman and just wanted sex with that person? well thats lust.You may have done the deed and gone the whole hog and actually had sex with the person.Afterwards you may feel used, or think why did i ever do that?The complications from giving in to lust are many, getting into fights with the persons partner/friends,...more
When talking about cancer, you just can't stop but think about severe discomfort, depression, survival and even death. Wishing that this type of disease won't find its way into your home. Indeed, cancer poses a threat that when left unobserved can open the door to misery or a scary passing you do not want to accept. Try to imagine hearing from your doctor that you or your chum or family member has cancer. It's likely that your GP's words wouldn't...more
Where do you think stretch marks would list in a survey of most embarrassing health problems?What if this survey was a cross section of all types of people? The beautiful & ugly, big & small, confident & shockingly shy....etc etc.Well the results of a 2009 survey in the UK have them at number 3! Coming in only behind bad breath and sweating.The full list is;1.Bad breath2.Sweating3.Stretch Marks4.Facial hair5.Spots / pimples6.Warts7.Foot odourThis shouts out loud and clear just how many people out there suffering from the embarrassment that stretch marks cause. Some will be doing something about it, but most will just live with and hide them every day of the year.If you're reading this, then I'm going to guess that you're one of these silent sufferers. Embarrassed by your purple scars and managing your life around them. Sound familiar?You don't have to suffer though. Results have shown that over 90% of women and men see fast improvement through the application of the right cream.There's not 1 cream that can be said to work for every sufferer, so there's an element of trial and error to find the cream that will work for you. The important thing to realise is that there will be a...more
Breast reconstruction is necessary in cases when the breast or some part of the entirety is taken out due to disease, injury or trauma. Most, if not all, cases usually concern women who may have had cancer at this particular area a certain point in their life or have had an operation with which part of it or all of it has been removed. There are...more
Are you concerned about undergoing boob surgery? It should make you feel at ease to learn that bosom augmentation surgeries have been performed and perfected over a hundred years ago. There were many failures, and discoveries made in the early days of boob surgery but so much has been learned and now over 300,000 surgeries are performed annually...more
If you plan to get pregnant in the future and would like to feed your infant the natural way then it is helpful to know that breast feeding is something you will still be able to do following a cosmetic procedure. To what extent you will be able to breast feed is dependent upon the kind of operation you had.Of all of the breast surgeries, reduction affects the lactation of the mother's glands the most. However having an augmentation, lift, a nipple surgery or diagnostic surgery can lessen the percentage of milk a new mom is able to produce.There are a variety of factors that affect how much milk a woman can make following reduction or other type of nipple operations. The shape of the nerves plays a vital role as does the condition that her milk ducts are in. The good news is that both the nerves and the ducts are able to regenerate by way of processes known as recanalization and reinnervation.It is important to remember why a reduction mammoplasty is done in the first place. The patient of such a procedure will desire to have her nipple and her areola raised to a higher position on the bosom-one that is more pleasing to her overall appearance.In this case excess skin may have to be...more
ClassificationThe accepted form of Breast Cancer classification divides all the different forms of breast cancer into four distinct groups, viz. pathology, the particular grade of the tumour, the expression (by which information from a gene is used...more
Getting cancer is very common nowadays. It may be a loved one, a relative or your next door neighbour, who has got cancer and is now desperately trying to find a cancer cure. Finding a cure when one is already diagnosed with cancer is definitely more...more
There is no known cure for breast cancer. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year worldwide. Scientists don't know why most women get breast cancer, yet breast cancer is the most frequent tumor found in women the...more
Several lung cancer treatments are currently available and the determination as to which one is prescribed depends on the lung cancer stage that has been diagnosed, the location of the cancer, and the patient's health. The most common treatments for...more
Lung Cancer PreventionDid you realize that approximately 10% of lung cancer patients have never in their lives smoked cigarettes? When asked about lung cancer prevention, most people will tell you that the easiest way to prevent lung cancer is to...more
Once a diagnosis of lung cancer has been made, the doctor will attempt to determine the stage the lung cancer is at. The staging system is somewhat like a measurement system, with the numbers indicating: whether the cancerous tumors are localized or...more