Diagnosis of esophageal cancer is done by analyzing the symptoms and medical history of the sufferer including information regarding symptoms like unintentional weight loss, difficulty to swallow foods, current medical conditions, physical examination, checking if the person is habituated to use tobacco, alcohol or GERD and tests or medical examination. Since esophageal cancer has the tendency of spreading to lymph nodes first, physical...more
Recurrent esophageal cancer is nothing but appearance of esophageal cancer in patients repeatedly even after going through the primary treatment. Various factors are responsible for selecting the treatment options for patients suffering from cancer. The obvious and important purpose of the treatment protocol for recurring esophageal cancer is to relieve the patients from existing symptoms by controlling cancer locally, enhance the chances of cure in patients or for prolonging the survival rates of patients. Treatment protocol for recurring esophageal cancer might be based on the uniqueness of the situation of the patient. The chances of recovery or chances of recurrent esophageal cancer will influence the treatment options and principles. Sometimes doctors might even advice the patients to participate in clinical trials as they help in coming up with new treatment options. They are nothing but studies that are conducted on cancer patients to study the effectiveness of new treatment options or strategies or for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of newly found drugs. Patients who participate in clinical trials might get more chances of improvement and survival. But...more
Discomfort or experiencing trouble or pain during food swallowing can be a usual occurrence and most often it could be an indication of eating food or drinking liquids very quickly. But if the trouble with eating or swallowing continues regularly it could be associated with esophageal cancer. Every person is created to swallow or eat food easily...more
Asthma - TreatmentsAsthma is a disease of the lungs that affects your breathing. It is a disease in which a person's airways become inflamed, swollen, and narrowed, making it difficult for air to flow into and out of the lungs. The condition marked by chronic inflammation and irritation of the airways.The first consultation with an Ayurveda doctor, including the diagnosis will last for more than an hour. The basic step in the diagnosis will be to find the person's body humour (Dosha) - Vata, Pita or Kapha, because it is the imbalance of these body humours that creates the disease.But these reasons do not stop people from using herbs mainly because herbs are cheaper, more accessible, and natural. Some people do not want to experience the side effects of anti-asthma medications. It is also very easy to get herbal treatment for asthma. You can buy the herbs from the grocery or market. What are the herbs used in asthma treatment?A good treatment for asthma attack will not cure the condition forever, but it will enable you to manage and subdue any further attacks effectively. Asthma treatments usually come in oral or vapor form. Some are long term treatments, such as leukotriene...more
Five Ugly Lies About Vitiligo and It's TreatmentVitiligo disease is very unpredictable but a sure thing about is that no treatment can instantly stop the spreading of white patches be it a homeopathic, surgical, natural, steroids or skin...more
Chemical Peel Skin TreatmentsTCA is normally used for shallow peels (EasyPeel), where the concentration of acid is low, or for a medium deep peels, which is effective against fine wrinkles, freckles, pigmentation changes, acne and other superficial...more
Age spots also called liver spots and solar lenities are flat, gray, brown or black spots. They vary in size and usually come into view on the face, hands, shoulders and arms areas most bare to the sun. Though age spots are very ordinary in adults...more
Loss of Libido and Loss of libido Treatment NaturallyRead more on Male Libido Enhancer and Increase your Stamina and Premature EjaculationLack of libido in a long-term affiliation is a common complaint, according to sex therapists. It isn't...more
Valium - for the Treatment of AnxietyThere are some medications that will contraindicate with Valium, meaning they are not safe to take together. Valium does have many contraindications, even something as simple as the birth control pill can weaken...more