Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers existing in the world nowadays. Generally lung cancers are self inflicted through heavy smoking. As with all diseases and especially with any form of cancer is to detect the disease as early as possible so, that treatment can be given to increase the chances of endurance. However, by the time the symptoms are noticeable the disease is probably at its advanced stage. But, if the symptoms are detected...more
Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by a decrease in the density of bone, decreasing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. Osteoporosis literally leads to abnormally porous bone that is compressible, like a sponge. This disorder of the skeleton weakens the bone and results in frequent fractures (breaks) in the bones.Normal bone is composed of protein, collagen, and calcium all of which give bone its strength. Bones that are affected...more
How Laser Treatments Firm Your Face?Loose sagging skin on our face, stomach, arms and other areas is very distressing to many of us. Loose skin or integument (integument - medical term for skin) makes us look old and out of shape, no matter how hard we work out and try to stay fit. In the past, effective skin tightening required plastic surgical procedures like face lift and tummy tuck. However, in the past few years, many new non-surgical and laser skin tightening methods have been developed. The new skin tightening technology has been steadily getting better as the machines improve and as doctors learn how to maximize the results achieved.Today, often using a combination of different methods, substantial skin tightening can be achieved without surgery, a very different situation than just 3-4 years ago when Thermage, Titan, Refirme, and LuxIR Deep were introduced. There are many skin tightening advertisements that can be misleading, so you really need to be an informed consumer and understand the technology if you are going to achieve the result that you desire. Below I will explain how the new skin tightening technology works and which methods are the best.How Non-surgical Skin...more
Dark Color Changes To Toenails: Potential Causes and TreatmentAs one can see, dark discoloration of the toenails can have numerous different causes. Most are benign, and resolve with simple treatment. Some are simply genetic, such as the common nail streaks in darker-skinned individuals. Others are dangerous cancers that need immediate treatment....more
Vitiligo is a non infectious disease. So it can not be stopped as such with any therapy. Response of disease varies a lot. There are not special clinical features. Vitiligo can cause severe psychological disturbance for patients, if there is face involvement. The disease more noticeable on dark skin. The course of disease is very unpredictable some...more
Breast cancer, essentially the most commonly found cancer type in females proceeds from the breast tissue and eventually grows across bringing on a severe form of cancer. Breast cancer, or else detected and treated in time during the early stages may even result to death from the patient. Although symptoms of breast cancer are commonly present in women additionally they happens to men, but in rare conditions. Breast Cancer can't be known as a specific disease however they usually refer to several cancers which affect the breast. Research suggests that the reason for breast cancer could be the abnormal growth of cells but is yet to become proved.Look out for the breast cancer symptoms below, which are frequently seen in Breast Cancer patients.Swelling / Breast lump in the breast area. In approx . 10% of total women affected by breast cancer, breast lumps are the early stage symptoms of breast cancer.Transfiguration of breast shape and size.Inflammation and redness on the breast.Discharge of liquid and also at-times even blood from nipples.Severe pain and alterations in skin color and texture surrounding the breasts.Multiplication of breast cancer is divided in four stages:Stage :...more
Filamentous algae are unicellular organisms that intertwine and form long, slimy chains or filaments. Its filaments multiply incessantly and cling on the pond and rock surfaces, giving an awful look and putrid smell on your much-loved water features....more
Mesothelioma Victim - Important Steps To Keep In Mind After You Are DiagnosedUnfortunately, once it is discovered that a person is a mesothelioma victim who suffers from this affliction, there is a probability of less than twelve percent that this...more
As people age, their epidermal cells become less sticky that makes skin noticeably thinner. When the skin becomes thinner, the effectiveness of its barrier function decreases and releases moisture instead of locking in the skin. When this happens,...more
Detoxify Your LiverIt is never too late to get your liver detoxified. If you do have an unhealthy lifestyle and/or follow a faulty diet (but cannot help it) then you should keep and get your liver in good shape by choosing the right liver cleansing...more
Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, and difficult to eliminate. Some people who are constipated find it painful to have a bowel movement...more
Effective Wrinkle TreatmentFacial wrinkles can be addressed in several ways. Temporary but effective correction can be achieved with Retinoids, microdermabrasion, chemical peels Botox Cosmetic and dermal fillers. These treatments are available at...more