PROSTATE CANCER:-Prostate cancer is the cancerous growth of the cells inside the prostate . It usually grows slowly over many years . However , in later stages, the growth usually speeds up. In the prostate, the hormone testosterone is converted into DHT, which stimulates the growth of the cancer cells. As the cancer grows , it can spread outside the prostate - usually into the surrounding lymph nodes and bones.Perhaps one of the greatest areas...more
"Methods and Accounting Treatment of HRA" Abstracts: Human Resource Accounting (HRA) is not a new issue but one of the most discussed impasse in the present accounting world. Many theories have been given and many techniques have been proposed for valuing human resource. The main purpose of preparing this paper is the accumulating these methods and techniques and discussing the various aspects of these techniques and methods....more
Author: Ursa A.Although cervical cancer is not completely preventable. there are things we can do to dramatically reduce its occurrence and save our daughters' lives by preventing the spread of HPV. Cervical Cancer Vaccine Age Limit Each year about 11,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of those women, about 4,000 will die from cervical cancer. You can protect your daughter from cancer of the cervix and HPV (the virus linked to cervical cancer) by getting her vaccinated long before she needs it. HPV is the human papilloma virus. It is a very common virus that is spread through sexual contact. Just about everyone who has had sex will have the HPV virus at some time in their life. The HPV vaccine prevents the virus. HPV Facts HPV has several variations. Usually HPV will go away and causes no health problems at all. However, sometimes HPV will not go away and is causes changes to a woman's cervix, which is the opening to her uterus. A Pap test can detect cervix changes. If left undetected, it can lead to cervical cancer. Sometimes HPV causes genital warts around the vagina, penis or anus. People get HPV from skin to skin contact during sexual intercourse. It is usually...more
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American women. In 2009, approximately 194,280 patients are estimated to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and 62,280 with carcinoma in situ. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 79,500 women underwent breast...more
At some stage in our lives, we will all need to purchase home furniture. It can be due to getting your first home and that joy of choosing your entire household contents. Perhaps you have decided to change dcor and need to alter your furniture. Unfortunately most of us will have an emergency situation where something has broken and needs replacing...more
Author: Una PecattiEvery year over 11,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with this cancer. Cervical Cancer Symptoms After Hysterectomy If it is diagnosed early, treatment can be successful. On the other hand, a misdiagnosis can result in delayed treatment. Without the proper treatment, the survival rate decreases considerably and it may lead to death. There are medical attorneys that will represent victims who had a misdiagnosis of with cancer. Speak with an attorney regarding the claim; they will evaluate your case free of charge. How Cervical Cancer Is Diagnosed Sexually active women should go have regular Pap smears. While Pap smears are not a diagnostic test, they are used to spot abnormal cells. If abnormal cells are present, further tests should be ordered to make a positive diagnosis. Some diagnostic tests include: Colposcopy - an instrument called a colposcope is used to look at the cervix and see more clearly areas of abnormal cell growth Biopsy - a sample of abnormal tissue is taken from the cervix for testing Endocervical scraping - a specialized instrument is used to scrape tissue lining the endocervical canal, an area the doctor cannot reach with...more
One of the most widespread types of cancer that influences males is prostate cancer. In the United States , actually , there is one case for each 6 men. The cancer grows gradually and is usually concentrated on the prostate gland. There are patients...more
Before we go on to understanding the more serious long term effects of alcohol, it is important to first understand the short term effects of what happens to us as we drink alcohol. As soon as we consume alcohol, approximately 20% of it is absorbed...more
Uric acid becomes a byproduct when food is consumed and processed within the body. Under normal conditions the kidneys work to flush out the excess acid. But when uric acid builds up, it is deposited in the joints of the body where it forms crystal....more
5 Surprising Reasons Your Cancer Care Physician Won't Tell You About Super Sea Veg If you've been reading our Super Sea Veg blog, you know full well that while we work with a lot of physicians across the U.S., Canada and the world, not...more
Wrinkles are a normal part of aging process. Yet, the desire to reduce wrinkles is common among many women (and men). Is there something that you can do about them? Yes, there are many things that you can try to reduce them. Some of...more
Many asbestos manufactures and other companies that used asbestos in their products have known about the dangers associated with asbestos exposure since the early part of the twentieth century. Nonetheless, because of its unique properties, the...more