Having stomach acid reflux is never an easy thing. Known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, this condition usually brings about chronic bouts of chest pains, dysphagia (problems when swallowing),excessive salivation, food regurgitation, nausea or vomiting, odynophagia (pain when swallowing,) and even heartburn-like symptoms in adults. Unfortunately, GERD also presents itself in infants and children under the age of 12. The...more
Uncover Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment In 3 Easy StepsThis straight forward article is about showing you and instructing you on exactly how to learn the secret of sciatic nerve pain treatment. If you want to understand how to find sciatic nerve pain relief then this informative article can help you. To add to your understanding, please read on. Find out about the way to find pain relief in 3 easy steps!The first step is - to always stretch a...more
Ovarian cyst bleeding is not a common symptom for all the types of such cysts. Bleeding normally takes place when the pouches observed on the lining or within the ovary burst. Pain that is sensed when cyst burst depends on the size and nature of cysts. Burst cysts cause pain more than the pain that occurs when cysts twist. Bleeding due to the ovarian cyst may cause irritation in the tissues of the lower part of abdomen near vagina. Not only this, this procedure may also cause writhing that blocks the blood from circulating to cysts.If a cyst originates after the menstrual cycle, then it comprises just a little amount of blood in it. If cysts burst, then it is normal that bleeding will take place. However, bleeding due to the cyst is the primary symptom of a special kind of cysts known as haemorrhagic cysts. If bleeding and a serious pain occur, then women must go for a medical check-up as soon as possible. If they ignore this situation, then complications may increase and the outcome will be the dangerous one. Women those had experienced the bleeding due to cyst must not fear of having ovarian cancer because hemorrhage do not takes place if the cysts in their ovaries are cancerous....more
A cancer diagnosis doesn't have to mean a death sentence and spiral into depression. Many types of cancer are very treatable, and there are ways you can cope with the process. Read this article for some helpful tips about dealing with this incredibly difficult time and how to make it just a bit easier.A great tip that can help prevent you from...more
Author: saichon sannokA quick glance at any of the literature will tell you that black men are more likely to die from prostate cancer than white men and most of the statistics agree that the risk for African-Americans over two and a half times that of white Americans. But are these statistics misleading? It is known that there are differences in...more
Fibroids are impacting millions of women from all around the world. These benign tumors are able to create serious discomfort for the sufferer. There are some conventional fibroids treatment selections available. However, there is also more natural choice.Surgical procedures are not an option for everybody, especially considering the down time and loss of work that is involved. Luckily, there are natural systems established to end the battle with fibroids once and for all.These holistic systems aim to heal fibroids permanently utilizing only natural methods. When a surgery is not an option, they are excellent alternative treatments. Sometimes they may feel like a true fibroids miracle.Even though these programs aim to obtain a lasting results, there are cases where significant alleviation has been achieved within a couple of days. Also, these types of methods are shown to do away with all the pain and bloating within months.One normal symptom of fibroids is menorrhagia (massive menstrual flow). This condition is able to considerably affect for the quality of the sufferer's life because it can be rather embarrassing.Regrettably, heavy menstrual flow is something that occurs due to...more
Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a disease characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining of the first and longest portion of the large intestine. These cells have lost the normal control mechanism for growth. It is also termed...more
Author: Ursa A.A large percentage of women admit to living in fear of the big C, however cervical or breast cancer free women admit that the thought of contacting the disease never leaves their thoughts. Cervical Cancer Vaccine Risks Sadly, self...more
6 Questions to Ask About Treatment for Varicose and Spider Veins Laser vein treatment has become a popular new way to improve the look of your legs by removing unsightly varicose and spider veins. Varicose veins are large, swollen blood...more
If you've been reading our Super Sea Veg blog, you know full well that while we work with a lot of physicians across the U.S., Canada and the world, not all of them are as open to a professional relationship with our team as others. That's the case...more
Genital herpes is a terrible condition for patients to suffer with. It strikes young adults most often, and this can lead to a life time of pain, discomfort, frustration and a host of psychological issues that go along with being unable to have a...more
Many women develop the condition of sagging breasts yet don't want to subject themselves to a breast lift. There are other more natural options that they can try in order to avoid an elective surgical procedure. Diet, exercise, a good bra and massage...more