Spices Save Your SkinSkin cancers are the commonest cancers globally and by far the majority of these ubiquitous tumours are caused by excessive exposure to the sun.The sun's ultraviolet rays (UVR) are those responsible for inducing several pre-malignant processes in the skin. Not only do they damage DNA directly but they also cause inflammation, excess free radical production and immunosuppression. These factors combine to form a tumourigenic...more
The developmental condition known as autism is something that a lot of families have to deal with and these families are looking for effective treatments. Because this condition has numerous symptoms and causes, there is not one method that will work for everyone, but there are a few treatments that are very good for a few autistic individuals. The following techniques for treating autism may be worth considering.Auditory Integration Therapy...more
Educating yourself about the general facts on lung cancer is essential to help prevent acquiring the disease. As the number one cause of death among men in America and one of the major causes of death cases throughout the world, health experts are furthering their efforts in trying to unearth general facts on lung cancer, and how this disease can be so deadly.Among the various type of cancer deaths, lung cancer is responsible for 29 percent of that. In fact, there are more death cases for lung cancer as compared to the data of deaths for prostate, breast, and colon cancers combined. Hence, you can begin protecting yourself now by arming yourself with the general facts on lung cancer before it's too late. Causes Of Lung CancerWhen people think of lung cancer, they often associate it with cigarette smoking. Indeed, this is one of the leading causes of the disease. But it is not the only factor. One of the major focus of research for health experts regarding lung cancer is the genetic factor. Most cancerous cells develop when there is an error in the mutation of DNA cells. That error in itself can be affected by other environmental factors as well, which has led health experts to go...more
One of the most significant concerns of breast cancer patients is the rate at which the cancer is likely to spread. If the rate and aggressiveness with which the cancer will spread cab be determined, the aggressiveness of the chemo treatment can also be determined. Patients with a type of cancer that is less likely to spread need not be treated as...more
6) Get your butt out of bed early. Most golf tee times fall between 10am and 2pm. Coincidentally, that is the exact range where the sun is the most harmful. Not only can you save on your green fees but playing early or late in the day, you might save your own skin. But don't be fooled into thinking that playing at off times precludes you from any...more
If prostate cancer is becoming a concern for men, women are not in peace with breast cancer, which dries up the source of joy of thousands of women every year, rich and poor. In fact, breast cancer is not new, although its incidence seems increasing. In the 5th century BC, Atossa, the queen of Persia, had fought in vain against her breast cancer. Tears in her eyes, in excruciating pain, surrounded by family and friends, she had to say goodbye to power and wealth to an endless journey. Despite the progress of medical science, the frequency of breast cancer is increasing every day around the world. He is the most common cancer in women. One woman out of twelve will be affected by breast cancer during her lifetime, according to several medical statistics. The disease becomes so popular to the point that a large majority of women are afraid to undergo a mammogram. Women of all classes feel concerned about breast cancer. Billions of dollars are spent in studies, but the causes are still poorly understood, healing is hypothetical. To increase their chance of being cured of breast cancer, some victims turn to alternative treatments. Either alone or along with the conventional treatment...more
What is the easiest entity that is easily available yo gift someone and can be given to almost any of any age. Flowers are the best way to express your feelings. Flowers have the magic to cheer up the most boring and dull moments. Flowers can relieve...more
12-step treatment for co-dependency When it comes to overcome the paralyzing effects of it, your best bet is to try to make the 12 steps out of codependency. This method will be of great help when trying to learn more about themselves...more
Some children as young as 6 or 7 are ending up with 4 or more medications including stimulants and anti-psychotic medications. There is little wonder that parents are worried over the possible consequences of exposing their young ones...more
Prostate cancer (prostate cancer) is one of the leading causes of death among men older from malignant tumors and constitutes 5,6 of all tumors. In Russia, prostate cancer is the 4th place.Risk factors- heredity (if a man has a father or brother...more
Considering an enlarged prostrate treatment? Do you need it at all? Millions of people across the world are plagued by this condition every year. However, only a handful requires medical intervention. So, before you decide on the best...more
2 Easy to Clean Window Treatments Window Treatments are a key part of decorating any home. Stores like Smith+Noble and Blinds.com have really great window treatments to choose from. When you are shopping for a new home, you'll find that the...more