Your London Personal Trainer Says Stretch It Out!!
At "Your London Personal Trainer" we always ensure that our clients have a well-balanced workout routine
. However, we do understand that when you workout on your own, time can sometimes be the master. You"ve just finished a hard workout, and rush to get showered and back to work. You know that you should cool down and stretch, but there is never enough time, so something"s got to give. That is how many of us feel at the end of a workout session, but stretching is an important part of any exercise routine and should not be sacrificed lightly.
The benefits of stretching are numerous and here we will discuss just a few:It increases your range of safe movement and means that your limbs can move further without the danger of over exertion or injury.Reduces the build up of lactic acid and therefore reduces muscle soreness. That burning sensation we sometimes feel in our muscles when we work out is usually caused by lactic acid. By reducing this build up we are helping the muscles to recoverquicker, which means that we are able to train at a more intense level.It encourages circulation to the muscles, tendons and other connective tissue. This will assist the body to heal if you have suffered some type of injury.Stretching improves your muscular coordination. This will be of great benefit with regard to most types of sporting activities. It will help you to perform better and with less effort from your other body systems.
So there you have it, next time you finish your workout remember the words of wisdom from Your London personal trainer... Stretch it out!!