A clever wardrobe selection is also vital, how many times have you thought you have put in a good array of clothes only to realise that when you get to your destination that you dont really have any outfits. Instead plan a series of different looks with your clothes then you can be sure that you will have an effective capsule wardrobe rather than a random collection of clothes! A range of different tops and bottoms is a good way to go because you can create a range of different styles.
A few different pairs of shoes is advisable too, some sandals, sensible shoes and some funky party shoes are all that would be necessary for your holiday. You dont want to bulk out your suitcase with tons of pairs of shoes but you do need a proper pair just in case that British rain follows you on your hols!
Time to Hit the Beach
For the beach you will need a really nice soft towel, chances are you will be lying on this for a while so better to ensure you will be comfortable. Seafolly have a great range of swimwear out this summer so you are bound to find the ideal bikini or one piece swimsuit to suit your vacations needs. If you are blessed with super curves and are fed up of worrying they will make a bid for freedom if you go for a swim, invest in some bra size swimwear this year? Bottoms still come in traditional sizes but you pick out the top to match your bra size so you can guarantee that it will fit comfortably and be supportive and flattering.
A hat is also essential if you are going to be hours because your scalp can easily get burnt and no one wants to get sunstroke so keep your head covered. A pair of sunglasses are a crucial item too, your eyes are very sensitive and you want to keep them protected from its harsh rays. We said it before and we will say it again, sun tan lotion, it cannot be said enough how important it is to put on plenty of sun tan lotion it will keep your skin safe and you looking youthful. What is not to love?!
We just want to get online and organise our getaway asap!