Putting a pool into your backyard is a big financial undertaking both upfront and ongoing because of the continued maintenance and upkeep required. During pool season, you will see advertisements that offer great deals on the pool installation but make sure you read the fine print as many of the advertisements might not list all the items that are necessary parts of pool installation such as filters, decks, pumps, ladders, chemicals and other miscellaneous items. Remember once the pool or hot tub has been installed there will be the monthly costs that come with maintenance and cleaning.
We never want to discourage anyone from buying a pool because having a pool or hot tub in your backyard is great for family fun and enjoyment. They make great additions to a home and can increase its value. We just want you to make sure that pool owners take all monetary issues into consideration before making the leap.
If you have the time and inclination, save up for a pool so you can pay cash rather than finance it. You can get a loan as many of the larger pool companies will offer financing or you could go to your own back and apply for financing.
Home equity is another way to finance a pool you could take out a second mortgage on your house or refinance your present mortgage and use the equity realized from the refinance to pay for the pool.
A pool is a great investment and one your family will enjoy for years to come, you just need to make sure you prepare for not only the installation but the maintenance.