Pay as You Go!

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Pay as You Go!
We all have embraced the pay as you go culture, with dvds and mobile phones being readily available to rent, only paying for the time you use.
So car companies have hopped on the band wagon and are doing the same, to combat crippling costs that people experience, owning and running their vehicles on a full time basis.
The first company to roll out this idea will be Peugeot, who are due to start trials of their car in London next month, before extending the circle to the rest of the country.
The aim is, upon paying a 10 membership fee, drivers on Britain's roads will be able to access a range of vehicles, from little nippy city cars to family wagons, plus other vehicles including motor and pedal bikes. They will be able to rent them for an hourly period, up to a ten day period, depending on the need. The car credit will be able to be topped up online, like a mobile phone is, and the scheme will be launched in south London next month.
The pricing is still being worked on, but the costs are imagined to be comparable with the daily cost of renting a car from a hire company. It also means that people will be able to rent luxury cars, with an open topped cabriolet costing between 90 to 600. There are companies on the market that offer these services already, but it is the first time that manufacturers have dipped their toe in to pay as you go vehicles.
The scheme comes as an acceptance to the younger generation, who are currently strapped for cash and looking for an alternative to public transport. With more companies doing it, the cost could fall dramatically, being a really viable option across the country.
In line with UK law, Car Insurance will still be needed.
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