Work On Cruise Ships - Have You Got What It Takes?

Share: A lot of people think that to work on a cruise ship means they'll be traveling around
the world to exotic destinations and having the time of their lives. That certainly is part of the job, which is great new. However, it is not all fun and games, as with most jobs, and it is therefore advisable to understand the downside of cruise ship jobs before you start work.
Sometimes working on a ship can be really hard work. Sure, you'll have loads of great times and when you look back on your time in the job you'll forget about the bad times. You probably will become affected by them at some point, so truth be told, it is advisable to be prepared for them to help you cope.
One of the most common problems with life onboard, and one that often affects people at the beginning of their career, is homesickness. Getting homesick and missing your family and former life can happen to anyone and can become a real issue. Seeing as you may be away at sea for up to nine months, you have to be prepared for this.
Other things that you should be aware of before you start your new career are the long hours that you will have to work, the early morning starts, difficulties with other crew members, a lack of privacy, and having to say goodbye to good friends when your contract comes to an end.

Share: Another big problem is not being able to make a real home for yourself because you are constantly moving around. Careers on cruise ships are characterized by not being at home for months at a time, so this could well be a problem for you.
If you don't think you like the sound of that, then perhaps you're not really cut out for a position on a cruise ship and something else would be more suitable. But if you think that you can handle these things, then go for it and don't worry because everyone experiences hard things to do with their job from time to time. And the truth is that life onboard is often more characterized by having a great time, which will remain in the memory for a lot longer.
You should also carefully think about whether a career on a cruise ship is really a suitable job for you. If you don't really like hanging out with lots of other people all the time and living in close confines to your other work mates then you might have to think again about applying for a cruise ship job.
Even if you have all the skills to make a success of your job, the fact is that things are different when you're on a ship. You can't go home at the end of the day, and you'll be spending a lot of time with everyone else on board.
You do not want to discover, six months into your contract that you've made a mistake. Especially if you've had to make big sacrifices in order to get the job such as leaving your current career.
Even though working on a cruise ship is usually very rewarding and you can end up having a great time, before you embark upon a cruise ship job, you should carefully weigh up the pros and cons. The truth is you may not be cut out for it, so always consider the downsides carefully first.
by: Neil Maxwell Keys
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