Winning The Fight Against Breast Cancer - Treatments And Cure
What Breast Cancer is
What Breast Cancer is
If you have breast cancer, it would be good to know what it is, so you will know how to fight it. Without knowing what it is, how can you deal with it? You will be shooting blind. Breast cancer is a bunch of cells in the breast that become abnormal for some reason. Scientists suspect that some forms of bacteria get into the cells and cause mutation. The mutated cells can attack other normal cells and cause them to become mutated. Some cells end up getting destroyed.
When enough cells are changed in this manner, cancer develops. Sometimes a small amount of mutated cells end up becoming cancerous. This is why cancer often starts small, in a certain section of the breast and spreads from there.
If the cancer is not stopped or controlled, it could end up spreading beyond the breast and end up in other areas of the body. This is when it becomes an absolute necessity to find a cure and quickly.
Scientists know what breast cancer is. This is why they have been doing research to find ways to fight it. They know that since cancer is a bunch of abnormal cells, they take the research and apply what they know toward finding chemicals that will either destroy the abnormal or mutated cells, or alter them so the cells can repair themselves and become normal again.
The fact breast cancer is a bunch of abnormal cells requires knowledge as to why the cells become abnormal. By finding what causes this to occur may provide a clue as to the reason for their development in the body. By knowing what causes the abnormal cell structure, those who do have breast cancer, can find ways to reverse the process. This can help to advert it in the future, especially for those who got it the first time. And for those who never had it, they can take steps to keep it from happening. There are many treatment options available to help get rid of your cancer. The best method, according to many doctors and nutritionist, is the food you eat. According to research studies, foods that have healing properties are the best to consume, in order to get rid of breast cancer.
by: Andy Weil
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