Low Cost Treatment For Oligodendroglioma In India At Hospital Of Bangalore
Treatment for Oligodendroglioma in India is now being provided to the patients from
all over the world to treat brain tumor with latest facilities and globally benchmarked healthcare services administered by surgeons and physicians trained in international medical practices. Indian hospitals are well equipped to provide a comprehensive range of treatments for cancer. Treatment for Oligodendroglioma in India is provided at hospitals having a team of highly-trained doctors of international repute and research analysts working together to develop newer treatment approaches and using them for effective patient cure and care.
What is Oligodendroglioma?
Within the brain there are nerve cells, and also cells that support and protect the nerve cells. The supporting cells are called glial cells. A tumour of these cells is known as a glioma.
Oligodendroglioma is a type of glioma and develops from cells called oligodendrocytes. These cells produce the fatty covering of nerve cells. This type of tumor is normally found in the cerebrum (the white area on the diagram made up of the four lobes), particularly in the frontal or temporal lobes.
Oligodendrogliomas are divided into two types:
A well-differentiated tumor, which grows slowly
An anaplastic oligodendroglioma, which grows more quickly.
Although this type of tumor is more common in adults, it can occur in children. For unknown reasons, it is more common in men than in women.
Signs and Symptoms of Oligodendroglioma
People with slow-growing Oligodendrogliomas may have mild symptoms for several years before the tumor is discovered.
The first symptoms of any type of brain tumor are usually due to increased pressure within the skull (raised intracranial pressure). This may be caused by a blockage in the ventricles (fluid-filled spaces of the brain) which leads to a build-up of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF is the fluid that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. This increased pressure may also be caused by swelling around the tumor itself.
Raised intracranial pressure can cause headaches, sickness (vomiting) and visual problems. Fits (seizures) and changes in behaviour and personality can also be general signs of a brain tumor.
Oligodendrogliomas can grow in different parts of the brain, and symptoms may relate to the area of the brain which is affected:
A tumour of the frontal lobe of the brain may cause gradual changes in mood and personality. There may also be paralysis on one side of the body (hemiparesis).
A tumour in the temporal lobe of the brain may cause problems with coordination and speech, and may affect your memory.
Treatment options for Oligodendrogliomas
Surgery:- Surgery is the initial therapy for nearly all patients with Oligodendrogliomas. It can cure most benign Oligodendrogliomas, as well as meningiomas. The goal of surgery is to remove as much of the glioma as possible while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. c
Some Oligodendrogliomas can be removed completely; others can be removed only partially or not at all. Partial removal helps relieve symptoms by reducing pressure on the brain and reducing the size of the Oligodendroglioma to be treated by radiation or chemotherapy.
After the glioma has been removed, pathologists immediately evaluate the tissue and report results directly to the surgeon in the operating room. Direct, face-to-face contact with the pathologist during the surgery allows the surgeon to verify that the glioma has been fully removed and may reduce the need for an additional operation.
Radiation Therapy:- Radiation Therapy is an essential component of treatment for many patients with Oligodendrogliomas. It can be curative some patients and prolongs survival for most.
The traditional form of radiation therapy, referred to as fractionated radiation, delivers radiation in small doses (fractions). Typically, patients are treated once daily, five times per week, for a total of five to six weeks. Even after the tumor visible on the CT or MRI scan is removed, radiation is often used to treat the margin of brain around the surgical cavity, going after the microscopic tumor cells that have infiltrated the area from the original mass.
Chemotherapy:- Chemotherapy is an important part of the care of Oligodendrogliomas patients. For patients with Oligodendroglioma (Grade 4 astroccytoma), the most rapidly growing and aggressive glioma, the addition of chemotherapy to the radiation has been shown to significantly extend a patient's lifespan. Current research is focused on the development and evaluation of new drugs to use with radiation for a newly diagnosed tumor, as well as for recurrent Oligodendrogliomas.
Brain Rehabilitation:- Brain injury can lead to problems with thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Many people with brain injury find that returning to independent living, work or school presents challenges with which they need assistance. Indian rehabilitation specialists help people with brain injury live as independently as possible within their family and community. Depression is also common in brain tumor patients. Clinical trials are being conducted to investigate the use of antidepressants to improve the quality of life for these patients.
Why India?
Medical tourism provides treatment for Oligodendroglioma in India for international patients seeking the most efficient treatment away from their homes. Indian hospitals provide patients with the best results and care by ensuring that everything they encounter is of the highest quality. Medical tourism in India offers complete wellness journey of patients across the borders. Medical Tourism in India has consolidated alliance with state of art hospitals and world class surgeons providing meticulous care during surgery and avoiding complications. To get more info on Treatment for Oligodendroglioma in India visit us at www.forerunnershealthcare.com or mail your queries at enquiry@forerunnershealthcare.com or call us at: +91-9371136499, +91- 9860755000 (International) / + 1-415-599-2537 (USA) / +44-20-8133-2571 (UK).
by: ssswati
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Low Cost Treatment For Oligodendroglioma In India At Hospital Of Bangalore Seattle