Why You Need To Know About How To Get Pregnant Of A Boy
Share: History will tell you that people have always tried to become impregnated with their preferred masculinity or femininity for their baby
. How to get pregnant of a boy basically entails focus on the chosen method especially that the choices available are costly yet on one hand, effective. This article will deal with the viable natural methods that you can do in your home. One very recognized technique that is based on scientific facts is that formulated by Dr. Landrum Shettles dealing with the sperm cells' nature as well as their fertilization. You must know that there are quite a lot of factors that pose some effects on each technique.
If you will use the Shettles Method, there is the timing of the intercourse to also think about. This influences which sperm (x or y) will reach and fertilize the waiting egg first. It is known that the x-sperm, which is girl-bearing, is larger, oval headed, and slow but resilient. But then again, the y-sperm, which is the boy-bearing, is smaller, round headed, faster but fragile.
The fast y-sperm have good chances of fertilizing the egg ahead of the x-sperm, however, due to its fragile nature, may not survive the hostile trip to the egg. It then becomes all the more logical why the woman should keep a constant watch over her ovulation period to correctly time their sexual intercourse.
The objective is to have coitus starting two days before the ovulation until the period is reached which ensures that the y-sperm will be able to make it through its journey to the egg without dying in the process. As the woman, you should be the one to know when your ovulation will initiate.
Share: Close supervision is very essential when performing this type of method which you can do by trying with an ovulation predictor kit, basal temperature techniques, or simply by charting. There is also the ovulation saliva monitor which can be a very excellent tool as well if you want to identify the beginning of your ovulation period. But then again, it is actually the latter technique that is more advocated not only due to its cheapness but more of because of its more precise outcome.
Also, a woman's orgasm should not be disregarded as it determines the survival of the male sperm cells in the vaginal environment. It should occur simultaneously with the male partner's orgasm or even a little ahead. This guarantees that the male sperm is shoved further up the uterus while orgasm on the female side provides a more alkaline environment for the sperm to thrive longer.
What is more, there is one usual blunder committed by many couples and that is coming up with hypothetical calculations about the woman's menstruation period. Remember as well that it can't be that the woman will base the onset of her cervical mucus on what she believes to be accurate.
The Shettles Method promises 90% success in using the method but that is given you will follow the instructions with diligence. Really, it takes patience and a lot of perseverance from the couple to carry this technique to reach their goal. That is why if you truly want to try how to get pregnant of a boy, it is worth noting that the monitoring of the ovulation should be razor sharp accurate.
by: Dawn Ingard
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