Understanding The Cycle For Getting Pregnant
Share: Although millions and millions of students have been taught about the correct cycle
for getting pregnant starting from grade school all the way to high school but then not too many of them are able to retain such information on their heads. This is why many men and women become inexperienced when the need to have a baby arises. Now, how important is learning about these information? This can actually tell the inconsistency between the concept of becoming pregnant and that of not getting pregnant at all.
The women's cycle actually plays a very crucial role in having a successful pregnancy and there are two cycles affecting pregnancy. First is the menstrual cycle while the next is the ovarian cycle which is the woman's ovulation period. These two are interrelated which also play a role in making sure that the women get pregnant.
Menstrual cycle commences at the very first day you bleed all the way to such day preceding your next bleeding. The most usual is 28-day period; however, there are also many that can range up to 31 days. At such time, you will find out that there are various stages which can affect your ability to conceive a baby. Then on the 7th day of your period, the egg would then start to become ripe as triggered by the hormones released by the body.
Between days 7 and 11, you will notice some changes already. One of the most essential changes is that of the mucus which becomes thick from clear. In addition, your body temp in the morning will escalate a little which are a mere sign of ovulation. When the ripened eggs moves to the Fallopian tube, this indicates that the egg cell is ready to be fertilized. Then this fertilized egg will just wait in the Fallopian tube before it can embed itself in the ovary when it has already been fertilized by the sperm.
Share: The egg that has to be fertilized can also be kept in the uterus; but then, the egg has just about 24 hours prior to finally losing its capacity to be fertilized. In case the egg is fertilized, then it would attach itself to the uterus, then the uterus will serve as its host for a while until the fetus would develop and have a placenta. So you will require more patience while checking your cycle to ensure that you achieve exact results.
On a typical setting, a woman's most fertile day is actually the middle part of the cycle so if your cycle takes 29 days, your most fertile day is the 15th day. However, it is always wise to listen to your body otherwise you might actually be missing on the fertile days.
If you are aware of your cycle, you will get the idea of when you need to have sex already. Having sex within the critical days would produce better results than having sex everyday. If you have sex everyday, your partner's body would not have enough time to produce strong cells.
This is why it is more often than not recommended to have regular sex twice a week but more importantly three consecutive days until the most fertile day. So there, your cycle for getting pregnant works for you, you just have to pay attention well this time.
by: Dawn Ingard
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