Why Malpractice Liability Results When Physician's Error Causes Newborn's Erb's Palsy Injury

Share: Newborns in some cases suffer from a birth injury referred to as Erb's palsy
. It is an injury that may leave the infant's arm limp. The injury usually happens during delivery as a result of too much force on the babys head, neck or shoulders. If your baby is affected with Erbs palsy you ought to contact an attorney immediately to determine whether you and your newborn have a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor who caused the injury. Erb's palsy describes damage to the system of nerve fibers that deliver signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm, wrist, hand and fingers, and so affects the newborn's ability to manipulate the affected areas and feeling in those areas.
It is an injury that usually happens to babies at the time of a tough natural delivery because of excessive force to the head, neck or shoulders. The kind of deliveries in which a baby is has the greatest risk of being injured in this manner include those with a big baby, breeched position or prolonged labor. Under such circumstances, the doctor or other health care professional may use maneuvers (sometimes involving forceps or a vacuum) that might cause too much pulling on the shoulders in the course of a headfirst delivery or put too much pressure on the arm and shoulder during a breech delivery.
Depending on the type and magnitude of the damage, possible symptoms of Erbs palsy can include: The infant may present with loss of muscle control and sensation in the arm or hand; loss of shoulder or elbow function; poor grip strength; and paralysis of all or part of the extremity. Typically, the child will exhibit what can most easily be referred to as a limp arm in which the arm dangles limp and is rotated internally. Because of the loss of use, the arm may appear underdeveloped as compared to the unaffected arm. Newborns with Erbs palsy might exhibit a number of other symptoms related to difficulty with blood flow, for example skin rashes, slow healing, and a tendency for infections.
Many infants affected by Erbs palsy recover within six months, sometimes after physical therapy. In situations involving an actual rupturing or tearing of the nerves, surgery may be needed, perhaps including tendon transfers to compensate for nerves that have lost functionality. When surgery does not take care of the damage, the child might be left with irreversible, partial, or total loss of function of the damaged nerves, resulting in paralysis of the arm or arm weakness.

Share: If your child suffer from Erbs Palsy immediately contact a medical malpractice attorney to establish whether you and your son or daughter may have a medical malpractice case against the doctor or other medical care professional responsible for your childs injury. Keep in mind that the law restricts the amount of time a plaintiff has to pursue a claim. Check with an attorney about how much time may remain.
by: Joseph Hernandez
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Why Malpractice Liability Results When Physician's Error Causes Newborn's Erb's Palsy Injury