Where to buy R4i, AceKard 2, R4 SDHC, AceKard 2i, Authentic R4DS ?

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, Authentic R4DS ?
You've heard from people discussing about R4's or R4DS and AceKards but you're wondering what they are, what they do and where you can get your hands on one. These are amazing gadgets that turn your Nintendo DS into a Media Machine. You will be able to play movies, listen to Mp3's and play homebrew games, where you can download from certain sites. There is a slot on the top of the cartridge where you insert a Micro SD, it is up to you what type of content you want to transfer into it.
It is very important that you do purchase an authentic version of the card since there are many fakes out there, there are so many versions of the R4 that it is so hard to choose from. If you do some research you will be able to tell the difference between a fake and an authentic R4. If you're having troubles deciding which card is best for you, the AceKard wins, however it is a little bit more advanced than the R4. If you like to keep things simple and just want something that doesn't take half the day to figure out how things run, then the R4 is your best bet. They are both great cards and you won't regret getting either of them. If you're looking for a great place to to find these items, head over to www.Dangbox.comand receive a $5.00 discount coupon just for signing up (free), have fun with your new cards!
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