Where To Buy A Color Down Comforter?

Share: Everyone loves down bedding its considered the best option for a luxurious nights sleep
. Most down comforters come in white color usually with a decorative pattern. Usually most stores only carry white down bedding and to add color they sell duvets to fit their down comforters. If you want to buy a color down comforter and skip using a duvet your options start to become limited. Typically catalogs and websites will be the best source for these hard to find pieces of down bedding.
Why Cant I Find Color Down Comforters In Stores?
Most department stores carry only white down comforters because they also sell decorative duvet covers that are meant to fit their basic comforters. Typically, the duvets are sold as sets and include bed shams. Sometimes these fashion duvets also have matching accessory pieces like euro shams or boudoir covers. If you dont find a duvet at the store you can buy one online or in a catalog just make sure you know your bedding measurements.
Whats Available?

Share: Most color down comforters run average in size and usually have a lower thread count range when compared to other bedding. Typically these color down comforters feature a sewn thru design which is great because it prevents the fills from shifting. Colored down comforters usually have a thread count in the 230 range which is great for most consumers. It is very common that these color comforters use a 100% cotton fabric to make sure the down does not leak out.
Can I Still Cover It?
Sometimes when buying a colorized down comforter you can find a great deal on a color that you dont like but know that they can be covered up. Just like you would add a duvet cover to a white down comforter the same can be down for the down comforter in colors.
What Colors Are Available?
Most catalogs and online specialty shops will use a basic range of down comforter colors like ivory, taupe, tan, sage, blue, chocolate and some deeper reds (mostly transitional colors not too traditional not too funky). Sometimes the bedding catalogs will showcase a hot fashion color and if you like that color buy them while you can they are in then they are out. If you do end up buying a colored comforter where you dont love the color try and buy one lighter in color unless the fabric you are covering the original with is very dark.
What Do They Cost?
Because consumers are fickle and can change their color desires frequently many color down comforters feature a price premium to cover the ones that dont sell. After all the hot pink comforter in 2008 is not the same as the it color of 2011. So you should expect to pay about 10% more for the color down comforter. Of note is that you dont need a duvet so you will save money in that regard.
Where To Buy?
If possible buying from a manufacturer direct like DOWNLITE, Cuddledown, The Company Store is the best way to lock in deals. Typically, these companies like to roll out their spring color comforters around April to May. Most of these lightweight color down comforters go on sale at the end of summer (or when back to school sales wind down).
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