When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant With A Boy?
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I get a lot of questions asking me to pinpoint the exact day, month, (and even sometimes the hour) that offers the best chance for conceiving a boy baby. I must tell you that I firmly believe that if you tweak and control things the way that you should, the month doesn't matter as much as you might think (although the time in reference to when ovulation occurred and when your acidity came down can play a huge role, which I'll explain more later.) However, there is some research which indicates that there is a few months out of the year that yields more boys being conceived than girls. I'll explain more below.
Why More Boy Babies Seem To Be Conceived In The Winter Months: An Italian research study looked at birth rates from 1995 to 2001. They found that the summer months yielded the most boys (not by much, though) and that September through November was the best time frame in which to conceive males, with October being the best of all three.
Specifically, within the confines of the study, off the1,000 babies conceived in October, 535 were boys and 465 were girls. There were more girls conceived in the summer when 487 were boys and 513 were girls. The researchers implied that more boys are conceived when there is twelve hours of day light per day and an average temperature of around 55 degrees.
Share: So, the optimal month for you is going to vary based on the climate where you live. If you live in Florida, you're going to have very different results than if you live in Alaska. The thinking behind this weather theory (according to the researchers) is that this is nature's way of ensuring that more boys are born in the summer months. Since boy producing sperm chromosomes and the boy infants themselves are thought to be weaker, being born in the summer would save these vulnerable guys from harsh winters, at least theoretically. Again, the climate in which you live comes into play here.
What You Need To Consider If You're Trying To Conceive A Boy No Matter Which Month You're Dealing With: I completely agree that you should take the boy producing sperm's vulnerability into account. It's an important part of natural gender selection. But, you can tweak and manipulate this in any month. If you are diligent with this, it shouldn't matter if you are in the summer or not. So long as you do what you can to protect the comparatively weak boy producing sperm and ensure that it's these guys that make it to and fertilize the egg, that's your real goal. And, in my opinion, it really doesn't matter if this occurs in May or October.
First, you want to address your ovulation and you want to time your conception around it. You need to be very precise with when you actually attempt to get pregnant because we're already established that these little guys are weak. So, we know that they can not successfully wait on the egg. If they attempt to, many of them will quickly start to die off or be weakened by your vaginal environment. So, you want to have the egg waiting on the sperm instead. This means conceiving AFTER ovulation. Get yourself a very reliable ovulation predictor tool (I like saliva) and make sure that you use it when you are actually trying to conceive. If you've not yet gotten a very clear positive (where you're not guessing) then wait the few days that it takes for this to occur.
Share: You might remember my talking about the boy sperm being vulnerable in your vaginal environment. This is why you need to change it. You need for your PH to be very low because these surroundings are more friendly to the boy producing sperm (acidity is not their friend) and this in theory can lengthen their life span. You can use PH testers to tell you if you are already low or high. Then, you can change your reading by consuming a low PH diet and through douching using ingredients meant to address exactly what your reading was.
And, you can complete these two steps any time throughout the year. I firmly believe that doing these things correctly to counter the weakness that I've discussed matters more than what the calendar says.
Conceive A Boy is a website I set up to make the process of having a son a bit easier. I've included instructions and resources for douching recipes and food PH lists, examples of the PH testing strips and and saliva predictors mentioned in this article, as well as hints, tips, and support. Check it out if you like at http://conceive-a-boy-baby.com/
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