I Cannot Get Pregnant - Am I Infertile?
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I Cannot Get Pregnant - Am I Infertile?
You may have been trying to get pregnant and wonder at what stage you should consider yourself infertile. Don't just jump to conclusions, but consider the signs of infertility as they are recognized by the experts.
Medically speaking, a couple is considered infertile if they have been having unprotected sex for at least one year without conceiving a child. However, doctors may consider other factors before they will determine that a couple is exhibiting the signs of infertility. So after about a year of unprotected sex, the first thing to do is to visit a fertility doctor to see if you show signs of infertility. You may be fertile, and the doctor may find a very simple reason for your inability to conceive.
Share: As old as you are, you may still need a basic lesson in the birds and the bees. It is surprising how many people are not completely aware of when the best time of the month to try to have a baby is.
First of all, every couple must realize that the blessed event is called the miracle of birth for a very good reason. Only about a 15% chance exists of a woman (who is trying to get pregnant, that is having unprotected sex) getting pregnant in any given month. So 85% of the time, you will not be successful, even if there are no underlying causes.
This is the reason that a doctor will first ask a couple many questions about their sex life. A doctor will certainly ask about frequency of sexual relations. If the couple does not have sex frequently, they may be reducing their already small chance of conceiving each month. Perhaps they are not fully familiar with the best times to become pregnant (in the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle) and are inadvertently having sex at the "wrong" times. If the male partner frequently suffers from PE, the sperm may not be getting a chance to get inside the woman's body to fertilize an egg. A fertility specialist may have some recommendations that will increase the chances of conceiving before resorting to surgery or infertility drugs. It may be a solution as simple as maintaining a log of the woman's cycle, and taking her temperature to see when she is ovulating. There are even kits to help you with this.
Other issues the doctor will likely examine is whether the woman is on any kind of medications or taking any dietary supplements, including herbs or weight loss products or if there is any chance of venereal disease. The questions directed at the man may be similar: any drug use or sexually transmitted diseases, but an additional important one: does the man take frequent steam baths or saunas? Excessive heat on the testicles is thought to be a cause for lower sperm count.
Very often, a little education about the timing of sex and/or addressing some of these minor issues may be the key to eliminating the obvious signs of infertility.
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