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What to expect-Auto Salvage and Recycling in CONNECTICUT

What to expect-Auto Salvage and Recycling in CONNECTICUT

What to expect-Auto Salvage and Recycling in CONNECTICUT

Automobiles that are to be sold for salvage or recycled have to first obtain a salvage title from the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicle. To obtain this salvage title in the state of Connecticut, the damage sustained by the vehicle must be more than the actual cost of the vehicle. After the title is obtained, the owner is free to transfer ownership of the vehicle and title as they see fit.

How to get a salvage title in Connecticut

The Connecticut DMV requires the owner of the automobile to prove that sufficient damage was sustained by the automobile to give it a salvage title. To obtain this title, the Connecticut DMV requires the owner to fill out the relevant application form and return it to the organization along with a full insurance report, clear pictures of the damage and the application fee. After processing the title will be issued to the owner.What to expect-Auto Salvage and Recycling in CONNECTICUT

How to sell a vehicle for salvage in Connecticut

After the salvage title is issued, search for a salvage yard that would be willing to buy your vehicle at a competitive price. The price garnered for the vehicle will depend on its ability to be repaired and its potential resale value. Do not expect to earn thousands of dollars in the sale as many dealers look to buy cheaply.

How to recycle an automobile in Connecticut

With salvage title in hand, the option also exists to recycle your vehicle. If you have tried to sell the vehicle as a salvage automobile to be repaired and resold but cannot do so then the alternative is selling it for scrap metal. Scrap metal dealers are found in the directory under junkyards. These dealers will buy the vehicle from you at competitive prices. When selling the vehicle as scrap metal, the title of ownership should be transferred.

The salvage title in Connecticut is a licence to sell any old vehicles you have lying around your yard. Be smart about this soensure that the original title of the vehicle bears your name before applying for a salvage title. Unfortunately, the money to be made in selling salvage vehicles comes from those that have been repaired for resale. It is unrealistic to expect copious amounts of money for your old cars. If the money you would have earned from selling the car with the intention that it will be repaired is close to the amount you would have earned from scrap metal thensell the vehicle for scrap metal. This will ensure that a dealer does not make thousands of dollars off your old vehicle.
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What to expect-Auto Salvage and Recycling in CONNECTICUT Columbus