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Learn about Auto Salvage and Recycling in ALABAMA

Learn about Auto Salvage and Recycling in ALABAMA

Learn about Auto Salvage and Recycling in ALABAMA

Auto salvaging in Alabama

In order to obtain a salvage title in Alabama, the total cost of damage sustained to a particular vehicle must have cost 75 per cent or more of the actual value of the vehicle. When this vehicle is restored to certain specifications, it can then gain a first-time salvage title which will make it eligible for driving or resale. To obtain a first-time salvage title, the vehicle must be repaired so that it is functional then an application has to be made to the local DMV. The application is for inspection of the restored vehicle and for the receipt of a certificate indicating the car's eligibility to obtain a new title. The form that must be filled out is the FMVT 26-15 which must be accompanied by the inspection fee and old title of the vehicle. If that is not available, it must then be accompanied by a notarized bill of sale. The processing time can vary but should take no more than 6-8 weeks which is standard.After this time you are free to drive or resell the auto.

Auto recycling in AlabamaLearn about Auto Salvage and Recycling in ALABAMA

Just like in many other states, Alabama doesallow curb-side scrap metal or junk vehicle pickups.The local solid waste management organization does not have the facilities to do so nor are they allowed since vehicles have titles of ownership. There are many innovative ways to recycle an old vehicle in Alabama but the two most preferred methods are selling as a whole or selling the vehicle as scrap metal. When the vehicle is sold as a whole, the title is transferred to the buyer and they are free to make what choices theyincluding repairing it for resale. To sell a vehicle for scrap metal, call or visit a junkyard to determine a price based on the condition and size of the vehicle. Scrap metal is sold by weight thus the more metal the more money. When selling your vehicle for scrap metal, the company buying should arrange for transportation of the vehicle free of cost to you.

Auto salvaging and recycling are both excellent ways to make money and are considered livelihoods for many individuals. The system in Alabama is well regulated to ensure that scammers are kept at bay and this works excellently by giving a good reputation to dealers while boosting customer confidence at the same time.
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