What To Winterize On Your Automobiles For Maximum Safety

Share: Not everyone lives in an area that is affected by the winter months
. The residents of southern California don't really need to change out their fluids or take any precautions when it comes to winter for their cars, unless they plan on driving to the Sierra Nevada mountains for a ski trip. For the majority of the country, the winter months will see a change in conditions that could affect certain performance points in the vehicle. Without the right oil or antifreeze levels in your car, you could have problems during an extremely cold season. You could also be setting yourself up for a roadside emergency if the levels are not checked and put at the right spot.
The Tires
The tires are probably the thing you should be concerned with the most when it comes to the road. They touch the road all of the time, therefore they need to be in the best shape as possible at all times. That means they need to have the proper inflation level to not only keep the grip on the road strong, but to prevent the tires from wearing unevenly. When there is the shift from fall and summer air to the cold winter air, a bit of air pressure might need to be added to boost the tire up to the correct air pressure measurement.
In extreme winter areas, you can even opt for special snow tires to be put on your car. These tires will have a deeper tread that will give a vehicle more grip on the road in the ice, snow, and sleeting conditions. The snow tires will be especially helpful if a person has to climb a lot of hills or travel through the mountains on a regular basis, like to and from work.

Share: The Fluids
The fluids to check in the car include the oil, the antifreeze, the transmission fluid, the brake fluid, and even the power steering fluid. When the levels get too low or if there isn't antifreeze running freely through the engine, it has the potential to freeze up. Smaller fluid amounts make them easier to freeze. The lack of antifreeze also gives the potential to freeze up, and then you will want to take your vehicle into the auto repair shop.
The Inside of Your Car
You need to care for the exterior parts of your car during the winter, but you also need to take special precautions with the inside too. Does the heater work correctly? You wouldn't want to go on a long drive for a ski weekend and not have any heat in your vehicle. If you sense that the heater is failing, have it checked and fixed so you don't have to freeze as you drive down the road.
Another smart thing to do in the winter is to pack an emergency kit in the car. The emergency kit will contain extra oil, extra antifreeze, and even extra windshield wiper fluid that can be added to your car in a pinch if you need it. Pull over to the side of the road and add the fluids as soon as you think you need them. Then, you may have stopped a problem from happening with your vehicle, and you won't be an accident because of this.
by: Dave Johnson
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