What Has Changed In The Online World Today

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Here's an article about what's changed and how we have to adapt to that world in order to keep up. It doesn't matter whether you are an online business owner or just a Facebook addict. Today, the online and offline world is almost indistinguishable from what it used to be ten years or maybe even five years ago.
Hurry, hurry, hurry - Have you noticed how we tend to rush everything these days? We rush to meetings, we rush reports, we rush our kids to school, we rush to work and then rush through dinner. In the rapidly expanding world today, the speed of life and work is almost incomprehensible. But that is what makes it exciting, some would argue. Therefore, in business, it is crucial for everyone to be in the know and keep up.
Instant information - As consumers, we demand instant response and information whenever we ask for it and with the internet, there is literally no excuse why we can't provide it. Email response, Twitter direct messages, Facebook messages, online chats and forums need instant attention.
The internet in your hands - The number of smart phone or Symbian phone owners is on the rise as people ditch their older conventional mobile phones for more tech-savvy ones. Which means that more people can access the internet on the move. Business owners can reach their consumers regardless of where they are now, whether they are shopping in the malls or queueing up in the bank.
And have you heard about the recent explosion of QR Codes yet? Do check it out! It's another fantastic way for consumers to get information on the go and for businesses to reach their target market.
An online presence is pivotal to a business - There is now no excuse not to have an online presence. Many older businesses continue to stick to their brick and mortar views of running a business but if your target market is the young and mobile, then having an online presence is absolutely a MUST!
A new version of word of mouth marketing emerges - Online social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter is the new and improved version of conventional word of mouth - and you know what they say about word of mouth marketing...it's the most powerful form of marketing. Online social networking sites will keep businesses on their toes because one dissatisfied customer can bring on a lot of trouble for the business.
Dean Robertson is a part of TheGigabit, a growing up-and-coming web hosting company. Please do log onto their website for more information about their affordable and reliable web hosting, email hosting, domain name purchasing packages.
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