What California Bus Insurance Is All About

Share: If you own one or more buses, there is no way you can escape taking out California bus insurance
. Whether you run an airport shuttle service, a commuter service, tour buses, charter buses or line buses, you are legally obliged to have insurance on your vehicles. Let us briefly examine your options in this regard.
The difference between a service such as one of the above and an ordinary private car is that members of the public and their belongings are being transported. If an accident happens, these people can claim for loss of income, trauma, medical expenses and loss of or damage to property. If the company involved is not covered by an insurance policy, they can easily go bankrupt in the process.
You also have to ensure that the driver of the bus in insured. If he should be killed or seriously injured while driving the bus, he or his relatives will be suing you for massive amounts. It's therefore very important that you have a policy that covers his life, medical costs, loss of income and other potential claims he can lodge against you.
The only type of insurance that is viable for a bus being used to transport people is comprehensive insurance. A Third party, fire and theft policy will simply not be sufficient. A comprehensive policy designed for bus companies will cover all the normal claims that can result from an accident.
When choosing an insurance company you should ensure that they offer 24 hour support, 7 days a week. Since buses normally don't only operate during business hours, it's very important that you should be able to get hold of your insurers at all hours. If an accident happens, they immediately have to give you advice on how you can minimize any potential claims.
A professional bus insurance company won't only be at your service after an accident already happened. They'll also be able to assist with other aspects aimed at preventing accidents in the first place. This include providing advice and even training material about driver hiring standards, driver training and how to make staff more safety conscious. The industry leaders also provide assistance with training staff in writing accident reports and doing regular safety checks on their vehicles.
If you own more than one bus, you are in the fortunate position that you qualify for fleet insurance. A fleet owner's policy will cover all your buses at a substantially reduced premium. Fleet owners also get significant discounts on the insurance premiums of other company vehicles.
It's not only highly irresponsible to convey members of the public in an uninsured bus, it's also illegal. If you consider the potential extent of claims you could face after an accident, the premium on an insurance policy is remarkably small. With the number of companies that specialize in California bus insurance, you will undoubtedly get a good deal if you shop around and compare prices.
California bus insuranceby: Earlene May
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