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Uk Private Motor Insurance 2010 Now Available At Reportsandreports

Uk Private Motor Insurance 2010 Now Available At Reportsandreports

Dallas, TX: ReportsandReports announce Japanese UK Private Motor Insurance 2010 Market Research Report in its Store.

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The report analyzes the UK private motor insurance market's performance in 2006 and 2007, providing insight into competitor strategies, GWP, market share and profitability. The report also provides forecasts for the size and profitability of the private and total motor markets up to 2012.


Motor insurance distribution trends analyzed by channel and platform Analysis of the major competitive issues shaping the market, supported by interviews with senior industry executives and data from secondary sources Detailed market forecasts based on Datamonitor's in-house model and expertise


Premium income from private non-comprehensive policies decreased due to consumers shifting away from this type of cover, as non-comprehensive premium rates rose on average over the year. Consumers have found it much easier in recent years to obtain comprehensive coverage and so have naturally opted for the better cover. Around two-thirds of consumers arranged their motor insurance over the telephone in 2007, making it the largest distribution platform. However, use of the telephone as a means to arrange a policy has been declining steadily year-on-year since 2003. The market dominance of the largest players is expected to confer a greater control over the setting of premium rates and a greater ability to steer the market. This has been evident in the fact that the current underwriting cycle has turned before the market reached the level of losses seen in previous cycles.

Reasons to Purchase

Understand what motivates consumers to buy motor insurance and which consumers are most likely to switch provider at renewal Benchmark your company against your competitors based on current and past performance in the market Develop your future business plans from an informed viewpoint with Datamonitor's market forecasts under three different scenarios.

Table Of Contents




Executive Summary

The UK private motor insurance market started to harden at the end of 2006

Private motor insurance GWP contracted by 0.9% in 2006 as the market only hardened late in the year

Underwriting losses expanded in 2006, driven by high costs and lower net revenue

Distribution of personal lines insurance shifted towards partnerships with banks and brands in 2006

The partnership channel gained market share from brokers in the motor insurance market in 2006

The telephone remained the largest platform for arranging a motor policy in 2007 but the internet platform is growing fast

Conditions remained competitive in 2006, leading some to exit the market

The competitive nature of the private motor market caused some insurers to exit the market

Market leader RBSI maintained its grip on the private motor market in 2006

The market is forecast to reach 12.5 billion by 2012 and regain profitability in 2009

The UK private motor insurance market is forecast to be worth 12.5 billion in 2012

The private motor insurance market is forecast to reach profitability in 2009

Table of Contents

Table of figures

Table of tables

Market Context


The UK private motor insurance market started to harden at the end of 2006 and grew in 2007

The market hardened late in 2006, which led to strong gains in premium income for 2007

UK private motor insurance GWP increased to an estimated 10.1 billion in 2007 as the market hardened

Private motor insurance GWP contracted by 0.9% in 2006 as the market only hardened late in the year

The comprehensive and non-comprehensive segments both declined in 2006, but rebounded in 2007

Comprehensive motor GWP suffered the worst contraction of the three private lines in 2006

Non-comprehensive premium income suffered as fewer motorists chose this cover

The motorcycle market was the only part of private motor to increase in 2006, although it contracted in 2007

Late rises in premium rates and low growth in private car numbers depressed GWP in 2006

Private motor insurance premium rates recovered late in 2006 and have climbed in 2007

Comprehensive premium rates grew towards the end of 2006 and continued to increase in 2007

Non-comprehensive premium rates increased significantly in 2006, but trailed the comprehensive market in 2007

The UK private vehicle parc continued to grow slowly in 2006

Private car numbers increased in 2006, although the rate of growth has slowed

New registrations for private cars declined in 2006

Although the private car parc is aging it remains mostly modern in composition

Motorcycle numbers continue to climb, although growth has slowed

Underwriting losses expanded in 2006, driven by high costs and lower net revenue

The private motor underwriting result deteriorated in 2006

Increases in total outgoings were driven by higher commissions and reserving, despite lower claims costs

Commissions and expenses rose 3.1% in 2006, while insurers reserved more than they released

Net claims costs fell in 2006, moderating the increase in total outgoings

Claims inflation continue to plague the market, but accident and theft rates have fallen

Overall claims inflation increased significantly in 2006

Bodily injury claims are more expensive than other claims

Falling road traffic accident rates will have given insurers some respite on their claims bills

Road traffic accident numbers have declined over the last nine years

Road traffic accidents have declined even as car numbers have increased, representing a fall in frequency

Casualty rates have fallen steadily, mirroring the decline in road traffic accidents in 2006

Theft rates continue to fall, representing a positive trend for private motor insurers

A number of initiatives aimed at cost savings were undertaken in 2006 and 2007

The IFB has been very active in the investigation of professional fraud over the year it has been in operation

The tightening up of MID requirements should drive down uninsured driving leading to savings for insurers

Insurers remain divided over whether rehabilitation offers real savings on claims costs

With the arrival of Copart, recycled parts can assist insurers in curbing repair costs

Insurers have pushed online distribution of motor insurance certificates and could save up to 11m a year

Commercial motor GWP declined in 2006, but the market increased its underwriting profit

The commercial motor market contracted slightly more than the private market in 2006

The total motor market's underwriting loss increased marginally to 204m in 2006

Despite being in a soft market, commercial motor improved its profitability in 2006

Customer Focus


Distribution of personal lines insurance shifted towards partnerships with banks and brands in 2006

The partnership channel gained market share from brokers in the motor insurance market in 2006

Aggregators have become important to motor insurance distribution

The telephone remained the largest platform for arranging a motor policy in 2007 but the internet platform is growing fast

The telephone and face-to-face platforms have been declining steadily

More consumers are turning to the internet to arrange their motor policies

Retention rates vary by age of consumer and platform used to arrange insurance

The majority of motor consumers will stay with the same provider at the time of renewal

More than a third of consumers who purchased their motor insurance online switched provider at renewal

Consumers purchasing their motor policies face-to-face, by phone or via post are unlikely to change provider

Switching providers is more prevalent among younger consumers

Price remained the main reason for taking out a motor policy across platforms and ages

Consumers purchasing a policy via the internet are more likely to be motivated by cheaper quotes than others

Consumers over the age of 55 are less sensitive to price than younger consumers

The way in which consumers seek information about motor insurance varies relative to age

Previous experience is the most popular source of information and is used more as a consumer gets older

Younger consumers are more likely to use web sources

Television advertisements are used by 14% of consumers overall

Mailshots, brochures and broker advice are mainly used by older people

Advertising for motor insurance products remained dominated by the television campaigns of direct insurers in 2006

Motor insurance advertising increased by 2.3% in 2006 to almost 200 million

Advertising is dominated by insurers, but brokers narrowed the gap in 2006

Most of the top 10 motor advertisers in 2006 are direct insurers

The spend of the top 10 grew slightly in 2006, driven mainly by the substantial increases of four motor insurance advertisers

The top 10 motor advertisers focus on television advertising, reflecting the need for direct insurers in particular to build up brand awareness

Most of the largest motor advertisers spent the majority of their budgets on television advertising in 2006

Direct mail advertising is used by most of the top 10 to complement their television campaigns

Press, outdoor and radio advertising were used sparingly by the top 10 motor insurance advertisers in 2006

The smaller advertising budgets of advertisers ranked 11-20 were more evenly split between television and direct mail

The list of advertisers ranked 11-20 contains a more varied mix of providers

Direct mail was the most favored medium among advertisers ranked 11-20

Television advertising was also very important to competitors ranked 11-20 in 2006

Advertisers ranked 11-20 spent smaller amounts on marketing in radio, the press and outdoor

Television remains the most important medium for motor insurance providers

Direct mail remains an important advertising medium, having increased as a proportion of motor insurers budgets

Direct Line remains the leader in brand awareness in 2007

Competitive Dynamics


Two insurers exited the private motor market in 2006 and 2007

Provident sold its motor book to GMAC in May 2007

Legal & General ceased underwriting new private motor policies in 2006

The top 10 private motor insurers lost market share in 2006, although the market remained highly consolidated

Market leader RBSI maintained its grip on the private motor market in 2006

The top 10 private motor insurers lost market share in 2006

A number of the largest private motor insurers grew market share in 2006, despite competitive conditions

Direct Line's GWP remained stable in 2006

Royal & SunAlliance raised its market share and increased premium income in 2006

Fortis grew its private motor insurance market share in 2006 due to an increase in policy numbers

NIG grew its presence in the motor insurance market, gaining market share and GWP in 2006

Competitive conditions resulted in some top 10 players losing market share in 2006

The market leader, Norwich Union, lost the most market share of the top 10 in 2006

Churchill lost market share in 2006 as its non-comprehensive book contracted severely

Zurich's private motor GWP declined in 2006, leading to a contraction in market share

CIS's market share contracted in 2006 due to lower premium income

Two players, UKI and esure, saw no change in market share between 2005 and 2006

esure joined the top 10 private motor insurers despite decreasing private motor premium income

UKI saw its market share increase in 2006, though premium income declined

Mid-tier private motor insurers retained market share overall in 2006

Only a few private motor insurers in the 11-20 bracket managed to increase market share in 2006

AXA's private motor book rebounded in 2006 increasing by a substantial 43.5% in GWP terms

The NFU Mutual experienced modest premium income growth in 2006

Aioi Motor & General increased market share and premium income in 2006

Five mid-tier insurers lost market share in 2006

LV's market share declined by 0.3 percentage points in 2006 as it allowed premium income to contract

Provident's book continued to contract in 2006 as it sought to exit the UK private motor market

Groupama's private motor insurance book declined in 2006

HSBC experienced a decline in its private motor account in 2006

Allianz's GWP declined by more than 10% in 2006

Two mid-tier insurers saw minor declines in premium income but maintained market share in 2006

Highway's private motor book experienced a contraction in 2006, but maintained market share

MMA's market share remained stable although GWP reduced by 3.3% in 2006

Most of the top 10 insurers write some non-comprehensive and commercial business

Comprehensive premium income dominated the books of the largest private motor insurers

Six of the top 10 private motor insurers also write commercial motor insurance

The largest private motor insurers also tend to be the largest total motor insurers

The average loss ratio among the top 10 UK motor insurance providers declined in 2006 with AXA, Norwich Union and Churchill recording the biggest improvements

In 2006, the average loss ratio of the top 10 UK motor insurers fell by 3.3 percentage points to 71.1%

AXA, Norwich Union and Churchill recorded the strongest loss ratio reductions

Four insurers recorded loss ratio deterioration

The average expense ratio of the top 10 UK motor insurers declined by 0.7 percentage points in 2006, with Churchill, AXA, NIG and Royal & SunAlliance recording above-average reductions

The average expense ratio of the top 10 UK motor insurers declined by 0.7 percentage points in 2006

Churchill, AXA, NIG and Royal & SunAlliance recorded above-average expense ratio decline

Norwich Union, Zurich and NFU Mutual recorded the highest increases in their expense ratios

The average combined ratio of the top 10 motor insurers fell by four percentage points in 2006, with AXA and Churchill seeing significant declines

The average combined ratio of the top 10 motor insurers declined by four percentage points in 2006

AXA and Churchill recorded significant reductions in combined ratio in 2006

NIG, Direct Line and Zurich recorded combined ratio increases

Future Decoded


Private motor GWP is forecast to reach 12.5 billion by 2012 under neutral market conditions

A hardening market in 2008 and 2009 should result in significant premium rate growth

The UK private motor insurance market is predicted to be worth 12.5 billion in 2012

The private motor insurance market is forecast to reach profitability in 2009

Under optimal conditions the private motor market will reach 12.9 billion by 2012

Less competition could allow for greater price increases in 2008 and 2009

The market will grow by over 10% in 2008 allowing it to reach a value of 12.9 billion in 2012

With less competitive pricing the market will produce three years of profits

In the pessimistic scenario GWP will only reach 12.4 billion in 2012 as competition keeps premium inflation down in 2008

More intense competition will keep premium rate increases low according to the pessimistic scenario

The private motor insurance market will only reach a value of 12.4 billion in 2012 in the pessimistic scenario

Underwriting losses will continue throughout the forecast period in the pessimistic scenario

The total motor market, under neutral conditions, will reach a value of 16.6 billion in 2012

The total motor market is forecast to grow at 4.3% a year in the forecast period

The total market is forecast to return an underwriting profit in 2008


Supplementary data

New registrations of cars and light goods vehicles by taxation class


Premium income measures

Earned premiums

Gross Premium

Net Premium

Written premiums

Other definitions


Direct insurer/writer





2005-06 definitions for line of business


Total private motor

Total commercial motor

Private motor comprehensive

Private motor non-comprehensive



Commercial vehicles (non-fleet)

Pre-2005 definitions for lines of business



Primary and secondary research

Market size

Changes in market size information

Market size methodology

Lloyd's players and underwriting result figures

Competitor data


GWP versus GEP reporting

Home-Foreign, overseas and facultative reinsurance business

Advertising statistics

Isis MORI methodology and contacts

Sample design

Further reading

Ask the analyst

Datamonitor consulting


List of Tables

Table 1: UK private motor insurance premium income, 2002-06, (m)

Table 2: Comprehensive/non-comprehensive split of the UK private car parc, 1996-2006e

Table 3: UK private motor insurance premium income by line of business 2002-07e, (m)

Table 4: Average quarterly premiums for UK comprehensive and non-comprehensive insurance, 2002-07

Table 5: Cars licensed in Great Britain by body type, 1996-2006

by: Ms.Sunita
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