Use Best Practices In Forming A Limited Liability Corporation
Share: The articles of organization for an LLC acts as a charter to found the existence of the LLC and are different for different states in the US
. They contain the basic information that pertains to the new business. The LLC articles of organization are generally filed with the Secretary of State's office or any other like agency that takes care of business registration. The document describes the characteristics that identify the organization and pertain to its operations. After the documents are filed and approved by the state, the LLC articles of organization legally creates the LLC as a registered business entity in that state.
The LLC articles of organization contain the name and address of the LLC and includes the principal place of business. Further, the articles spells out the nature of the business and the language so used is generally left open so as not to constrain the company's business activities; usually containing terms such as "to engage in any lawful activity". The articles will also contain the name and the address of the registered agent of the LLC who shall be authorized to take delivery physically of specified legal documents such as lawsuits on behalf of the LLC. In some states; the Secretary of State's office may be designated as being the registered agent.
Finally, the articles shall also state the name(s) of manager(s) and members of the LLC if these names and addresses are known at the time the articles are filed. Normally, the articles of organization help to identify the organizer(s) of the LLC who are responsible to begin the organization process and are also responsible for signing the articles of organization before they are filed with the state. In case the names of manager(s) are contained in the new LLC, the manager(s) could also be required to sign prior to being filed.
The articles do not have to be complicated or extensive and as long as they meet minimum information requirements they will be accepted by the state. After the new LLC articles of organization have been written and signed, they are ready to be filed and this requires a payment to be made in the form of a corresponding filing fee which varies depending on the state of organization.
Of late, the LLC has become the most popular form of structuring a business, especially for small companies wishing to incorporate. The whole process is quite simple in spite of minor variations from state to state and can be completed in an hour or less. Filling out the LLC articles of organization is a simple process and requires that the name, business purpose, principal office address, the name of the registered agent as well as names of initial members be given. At this stage, it is not necessary to specify the distribution of ownership or structure of management and only requires the names of the LLC members. You may also need to publish in a newspaper your intention to form an LLC and only in case it is required in your state and should precede the articles of organization.
The LLC articles of organization is readily available in the market and finding one should not pose any problem as there are many vendors who specialize in such documents and for a few dollars one may obtain a completely researched and well formed LLC articles of association. There is no need for researching and creating one from scratch as buying these documents provides an avenue for obtaining comprehensively created solutions that have had experts draft them and they are suited for all manner of use. Spending a few dollars, one could reap great benefits as there is plenty to be saved in terms of time, money and cost as well as being tailored to suit individual requirements.
by: Wade Anderson
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:17
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