The Rainmaker: Asset Or Liability
Share: The "talk "world of the corporate environment favours those who are adept at impression and perception management
. In today's marketing oriented, sales driven corporate environment the rain makers - the deal makers who bring in the business - tend to rise to the top of the corporate ladder. Looking good, deflecting blame is critical to success. This then gives the skilled manipulator, or Player, the edge in the completion to rise up the company ladder. Also, the higher up the ladder the individual goes the easier it is to cover incompetence with social skills. In this way success once attained, can be easily maintained.
These Players are naturally drawn to one another. They are typically extraverts, they enjoy a common worldview and they enjoy each others company. They naturally seek one another out in the crowd and form a kind of clique, or tribe. Once the Players occupies the key positions within the company the circle closes and those inside the tribe have a common interest in maintaining power for themselves and keeping others out. This is done by way of the Hidden Game.
The Players' ability to manipulate those around them is of great benefit to the company when it is being employed in the service of selling product, creating new markets, or creating strategic relationships. However those same skills can just as easily be used to deceive those within the company. People who possess these skills are not usually very loyal to the company and are driven by self interest. Once they have acquired control the playing field, the players focus, their overarching obsession, is to secure their position at the top. This is done by way of a kind of a game they devise - a Hidden Game.
Firstly, the deck is stacked in such a way that only the Players and their loyalists can win. This is done by controlling all the gates of entry and ensuring that that only those they deem acceptable can break through the glass ceiling.
Next, the Players must ensure that the circle at the top is hermetically sealed. This requires the active complicity of all those at the top. The only way to ensure this is to have something on each and every one of the inner circle. If any one of them should break ranks for whatever reason they will be removed from the playing field. This immediately conjures up the image of the criminal mafia, but it applies equally to Swiss banks, cigarette companies, and oil companies
For this Game to work it must remain concealed, shrouded in myth. It must be sanitized to appear just and good and in the best interest of all. The personal agendas of the Players are then couched in a kind of corporate double-speak - always presented in a way that makes them appear to be in the interest of the company. It is concealed beneath a shroud of niceness and political correctness. Over time it embeds itself deep within the fabric of the organization, becoming part of the corporate culture.
by: John Berling Hardy.
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:17
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