Upper East Side Braces - Tooth Whitening for sparkling teeths
Upper East Side Braces - Tooth Whitening for sparkling teeths
Whitening is one among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth at much less cost.
A thin coating forms on your teeth and it picks up all the stains. The outer layer of each tooth, is called as enamel which contains pores that can hold stains. Whitening is not a one-time solution and if you want to maintain the brighter color, it is repeated periodically.
Used For:
The most common reasons for yellowing of teeth or stained teeth are aging, tobacco, tea and coffee, which can stain the surface of the teeth.
We can find many inner stains inside the tooth which are called as intrinsic stains. The tooth whitening is more effective on the surface stains caused by age, foods or drinks.
Types of whitening procedures:
Non-Vital Whitening:
The Vital whitening may not improve the appearance of a teeth under the root-canal treatment. In such cases, the dentist will use a different procedure to whitens the tooth inside.
Vital Whitening:
The most common type of vital tooth whitening is by applying a gel-like whitening solution over the teeth. Generally it contains some hydrogen peroxides in a tray which resembles a mouth guard.
If your gums are exposed to a whitening agent, then it will be more irritating. If you are whitening the teeth at home, your dentist will check the working of the process.
The People who try to stain their teeth may lose the whitening of the teeth and it gets faded soon.Re-whitening can be done in the dentist's office or at home.
Whitening is unlikely to cause serious side effects. It is too risky and increases the tooth sensitivity. There may be mild gum irritation as well. Whitening procedures should not be done for a pregnant woman because the effect of the whitening materials may affect the development of the fetus iSince the procedure is cosmetic and optional , it should be postponed until the delivery.
Thus the Whitening is not a permanent solution. The stains will come back. So natural colour of the teeth enhaces you a good health.
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