Brush Your Teeth A Day To Keep The Dentist Away!
No one on earth wishes to have a bad breath or rotten smelly teeth
. It sets a really bad impression on the people around you. To some, the most annoying thing is to have a sleeping partner with sleep apnea. However, those who do not give importance to their oral hygiene are disliked by many. This is reason why dentists throughout the world emphasize on regular brushing. If you leave your teeth without proper cleaning, they will be susceptible to various diseases. This is even worse than the alignment problem of your teeth. In which case, you can resort to invisalign. The big question here is what is the importance of teeth cleaning?
You may have come across people who always have some excuses for not brushing their teeth. What they fail to realize is that this is an important part of dental health. Just by regular brushing, you can prevent the painful cavities and other gum diseases. The root of the cause here is plaque.
Many of you might have noticed a sticky layer that forms on your teeth. This layer known as plaque is formed by accumulation of food debris and bacteria. Brushing your teeth helps in breaking this layer to give clean teeth, and gums along with fresh breath. Therefore, brushing is vital to oral hygiene.
But even after regular brushing, people often complain of bad breath or bleeding gums. A plain reason for this is an improper brushing technique. You may be an oral hygiene geek and brush your teeth three to four times a day, but it is no use unless you are geared for the right technique. Although, the toothpaste you apply is also important, it is mainly the method of brushing that makes effective cleaning possible for you.
In the right brushing technique, you have to hold the brush at a 45 degree angle and force it between your teeth. Rub it properly between and at the junction of gums with the teeth. Brush your teeth in brief strokes in a back and forth or vibratory action. Make sure you brush every part of your teeth with anterior and posterior strokes. And try your best to apply this technique in your routine use.
Another method more effective in young children is known as Fone's technique. In this technique, the brush has to be placed at an angle of 90 degree on the outer surface. It is then moved in rotary action over teeth and gums. Apply this action while keeping the teeth clenched. This technique is quite easy for kids, but can also be applied by adults.
Once you know how to brush your teeth, the things you will need are; a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and floss. These items are enough to give you plaque free teeth and complete oral hygiene. In case, you do not brush your teeth, they get infected, gums start to recede, and your teeth can decay. Ultimately you will be spending some big amount for replacement dentures. It is a safe option indeed, but why push it that far when you delay teeth damage with proper brushing.
by: Stewart Wrighter
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