UTI Treatment and Prevention
Do you know that every year, at least nine million people in the world visit their doctor in search of UTI treatment?
For the most part, doctors prescribe only one form of UTI treatment: antibiotics. If this works for you, well and good. The problem with antibiotics, however, is that it only works for everyone at the start. The more frequently you get UTI, the less effective these antibiotics become. In other words, if your UTI recurs, you cannot always rely on antibiotics to make your symptoms go away.
Of course, prevention is always the best cure. If you do not have UTI yet, make sure you never will. Here are some of the things you can do.
1. Drink Lots of Water - Water helps clean your urinary tract and flush out harmful bacteria.
2. Don't Hold It - If you feel like urinating, go! Holding it in just so you could finish a chore helps whatever bacteria is present become a full-fledged infection.
3. Wipe Well, Wipe Right - After bowel movement, wipe from front to backnever the other way around. That way, bacteria from your anus won't make its way to your urethra or vagina.
4. Avoid Douches and Sprays - Most hygiene douches and sprays irritate, especially if they're scented. Why take chances on a spray or a douch? Avoid them altogether!
5. Load Up on Vitamin C - Do you know that Vitamin C helps increase the urine's acidity level? Acid in the urine kills bacteria. In other words, vitamin C can reduce the harmful bacteria in your urinary tract.
These are only some of the things you can do to prevent UTI. Try them. After all, you cannot always rely on antibiotics for UTI treatment so don't take chances with your health. Prevent UTI if you can, and look for remedies that work if you can't. Good luck!
UTI Treatment and Prevention
By: Carla Kaplan
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