Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is not a disease
. It is classified as a "functional" bowel disorder, which means there is impaired functioning within the digestive system. In terms of IBS, the dysfunction may be connected to the sensitivity of the nerves in the intestines; the movement of the intestines; or the way in which the brain controls these functions.
Stress management or behavioral therapy may be an effective alternative treatment for irritable bowel syndrome according to the American College of Gastroenterologists. While no one is sure what causes the syndrome. Most patients are high strung, anxious or under a great deal of pressure or stress. Stress management or behavioral therapy as an alternative treatment for irritable bowel syndrome may include instruction in relaxation techniques, meditation and counseling.
All of this makes recommending irritable bowel syndrome remedies difficult and treating IBS complicated. Dietary changes and a complete treatment plan will be more effective in the long run than any herbal remedy. Irritable bowel syndrome remedies may provide only temporary relief.
Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation also include abdominal pain, discomfort and/or bloating, but the stools are hard or difficult to pass and movements are less frequent than what is normal for the individual. In a few cases, people with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms experience constipation at times and diarrhea at other times. Abdominal pain can be a symptom of a number of other medical conditions and should be evaluated by a physician.
1- Chronic constipation
2-Intestinal cramps
3-Frequent gas or flatulence, sometimes accompanied by intestinal pain
5-Mucous in the stools
Irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms typically include abdominal (stomach) pain that is relieved by a bowel movement. It is believed that the pain may be caused by muscle spasms, so anti-spasmodic medications for irritable bowel syndrome are sometimes prescribed.
The common diets for irritable bowel syndrome typically recommended by doctors are healthy and well-balanced. A diet for irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea will differ from a diet for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. In cases where both constipation and diarrhea are experienced at different times, a food and symptoms diary is particularly helpful.
Irritable bowel syndrome pathogenesis may be related to food allergies. If you have IBS and you have not been tested for food allergies, it may be worth your while to see an allergy specialist. Food sensitivities may be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome and learning what foods you are sensitive to can be accomplished by keeping a food and symptoms diary.
But if you are to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome, you need to take probiotic supplements. Probiotics are a class of beneficial or friendly bacteria that are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract. Probiotics improve gastrointestinal function and intestinal good bacterial balance.
The possible causes of irritable bowel syndrome differ depending on whether the pain or discomfort is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. Treatment plans vary as well. Too much fiber in the diet may lead to diarrhea and some people may be overly sensitive to certain types of fiber.
As the medical community has no in depth reports regarding the causes and symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is highly probable that there are no existing cures for the disorder. At this stage, the best option to treat the disorder is to suppress the pain and aggravation caused during the panic attacks.
The more plausible cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a faulty Brain-Gut connection. The Gut has its own nervous system called the Enteric Nervous System and is connected to the brain via the Vagus nerve. The body-mind aspect of IBS is becoming very popular with experts. Stress can cause diarrhoea and depression can result in constipation.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment
By: larissabrown
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