Travel Without Stress

Share: Traveling with the family can be difficult, but it can be fun if you do some things to relieve some of the stress factors
. The main thing that you can do to make things easier is to be organized and prepared. Have everything that you need together before hand and have everything within arms reach.
Tickets and passports and important documents should be easily accessible and easy to find. Keep them organized and together so that they are easy to find in lines and at checkpoints in the airport and at hotels and check-ins. Things are easier if they are kept together in one place, separate from the other luggage and kept on your person. A purse or computer bag is good. One person should be in charge of them, that way they are in constant possession of all of the important things. This makes check-ins and heck-out much easier and much more efficient.
Another thing that makes the trip easier, whether flying or driving somewhere is having some entertainment. There are tons of things to keep you busy during a long flight or a long drive. They don't have to be gadgets and gizmos either; they can be travel games and card games and books. My kids have a little folder that holds paper and crayons or colored pencils that they can keep next to them or in the pocket in front of them. They can draw and color and write whenever they want and it is a creative way to keep themselves busy. These little notebooks can also hold a magazine or small book.
Some people get motion sickness when they read or draw while in a moving vehicle. There are motion sickness medicines for that or maybe there are some other alternatives. There are card games and mini-travel versions of most of the popular board games.
When I was younger, my brother and I had a tiny deck of playing cards that we always took with us on trips and we could play go-fish or gin rummy or any other card game together. It was hours of fun and we would usually be through with the trip before we knew it. There are other games that you can play without the need for anything else. You can count Volkswagen Beetles on the road, or look at the shapes of clouds and try and make out different shapes. There are plenty of fun things to keep everyone happy and busy.
by: Thomas Clarke
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